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Articles (1493)
RSSThis map shows the network of marine Natura 2000 sites across Europe.
To highlight the remarkable progress made between 2022 and 2024, EU4Algae has unveiled its official booklet, offering an in-depth look at the initiative’s achievements, the evolving algae sector, and the exciting opportunities ahead.
Looking to learn more about the ocean? Good news, twelve new map stories are now available in the European Atlas of the Seas!
Happening online on 6 February 2025, from 15:00 to 16:00 (EET), this free webinar will help you navigate the key changes and ensure your applications align with the latest regulatory framework.
This map shows the location of both offshore wind farms and ocean energy projects in European waters.
Share your insights to support a sustainable algae industry and contribute to the European Green Deal’s goals.
This map shows employment in the Blue Economy as a percentage of the overall active population.
The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) calls for stakeholders to express their interest in joining a newly formed working group on primary producers by 28 February 2025.
Will you be at Boot 2025 in Düsseldorf on 18-26 January 2025? Join presentations by the EU4Ocean Coalition and the European Atlas of the Seas at Water Pixel World and blue innovation dock ! Here is the full programme.
This map shows Fisheries Local Action Groups (FLAGs) located across Europe. FLAGs are local, bottom-up initiatives that aim to develop the local fisheries sector sustainably.