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20th EMODnet (Spring 2024) Steering Committee Meeting - Meeting Minutes & Presentations

This article summarises the main discussions of the 20th EMODnet Steering Committee Meeting which took place as an online meeting on 29th and 30th April 2024.

Date: 29-30 April 2024 

Location: EMODnet Zoom

Meeting Chair: Jan-Bart Calewaert, Senior advisor to EMODnet

Type of meeting: Online

Table 1. EMODnet 20th SC Actions


By whom?



EMODnet Chemistry, Biology and Seabed Habitats to look at the use of seafloor imagery collected for marine litter also for biodiversity uses

EMODnet Chemistry, Biology and Seabed Habitats

To report at next SC


EMODnet Secretariat to look at the existing EMODnet terms of use and discuss with EC DG MARE on EMODnet data policy, with a view to communicating this on EMODnet Portal                    Post-meeting note: A legal notice is already in the EMODnet Portal footer.

EMODnet Secretariat

To report at next SC


EMODnet E4OD-CIG co-Chairs to present updates at next SC, in communication with the EMODnet Secretariat

EMODnet co-Chairs and Secretariat

Next SC


Update the EMODnet SC Terms of Reference background information to reflect the current status of the EMODnet unified service

EMODnet Secretariat

31 August 2024


EMODnet Secretariat to look at options to expand the EMODnet Portal events section, to allow for events to be added as articles, allowing for PPT presentations and other resources to be added;

EMODnet Secretariat

31 August 2024


EMODnet Secretariat will communicate to Coordinators about thematic data/data products on EDITO infrastructure with a view to setting up a meeting in May 2024.

EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators

Communication by 30 April 2024; Meeting by end May 2024.

Status update: Achieved.

Communication achieved 29 April; Meeting took place on 22 May 2024


EMODnet Secretariat to produce and share a google document/sheet of OSL 4.0 to collect feedback from EMODnet Coordinators on OSL 4.0 Challenge areas, availability to serve as mentors and/or coaches, and on nominations for the jury (external stakeholders)

Post-event note: The OSL 4.0 will take place in March 2025 so all related SC actions are extended to 31 October 2024

EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators

31 October 2024


EMODnet Secretariat to extract the EMODnet use case database for DG MARE

EMODnet Secretariat

30 June 2024


Status: Achieved


Post the updated EMODnet Associated Partnership ToR on the EMODnet Portal and communicate this to existing EMODnet APs (EMODnet Secretariat, 30 June 2024)

EMODnet Secretariat

30 June 2024


EMODnet Coordinators to continue updating information on their thematic/data ingestion interactions with Regional Sea Conventions. The Arctic Ocean will be also added, in addition to the 4 European regional sea basins

EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators

Template updated and shared by 28 June 2024, Coordinator input by 31 August 2024


EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators to explore opportunities for repeating (e.g., annually) a webinar for EU projects on data/metadata ingestion to EMODnet, in communication with DG MARE and CINEA

EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators

31 October 2024


EMODnet Secretariat to update the EU projects mapping template, for EMODnet Coordinators to add information on how their organisation / thematic/data ingestion is linked projects e.g., as partners, advisory board members, etc.

EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators

31 August 2024


EMODnet Secretariat to exchange with Coordinators on new EMODnet thematic data/data products that could be applicable to the European Atlas of the Seas

EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators

Ongoing, to report updates at next SC


EMODnet Secretariat to discuss the planning for the EMODnet 21st SC with DG MARE and CINEA

EMODnet Secretariat

17 May 2024

Status: Achieved 

Meeting Minutes

EMODnet Open Session*

Monday 29 April 2023, 09:00-11:45 CET

*This session was open for members of the Technical Working Group (TWG) and invited experts

Welcome and Opening Remarks (Chair, EMODnet Secretariat, and DG MARE)

General publications12 June 2024
20th EMODnet Steering Committee Slide deck Day 1

Jan-Bart Calewaert (JBC, senior advisor to EMODnet) opened the 20th EMODnet Steering Committee (SC) meeting, noting the meeting was fully online and would take place over two half days (mornings) on 29 and 30 April 2024. He confirmed that the first day was an open session, open to the EMODnet Steering Committee (SC), Technical Working Group (TWG) and invited experts, which for the 20th SC included representatives from the European Commission (DG MARE, DG DEFIS, DG RTD, DG ENV), CINEA and the European Environment Agency (EEA). He presented the high-level agenda.

JBC gave the word to Kate Larkin (KL, Head of the EMODnet Secretariat) to give her opening remarks. KL also welcomed all participants and outlined the goals of the meeting, which included a status update on the last six months of progress of the EMOD-network, the existing and emerging offer of the EMODnet Portal, the seven thematics and data ingestion, a dedicated agenda item on EMODnet for EU Policy, and planning for EMODnet flagship events e.g., OSL 4.0 Hackathon.

Zoi Konstantinou (ZK, EC DG MARE) gave the opening remarks for EC DG MARE, thanking the EMODnet team and network for their work and progress. She emphasised that whilst a lot of good work has been done, there is an opportunity and need for further work to enhance collaboration, improve the representation and visibility of EMODnet across EC services and optimize EMODnet’s service delivery.

Rémy Dénos (RD, EC DG MARE) complemented by highlighting that European elections take place in summer 2024 with a new Commission to be in place before the end of the year. This restructuring is usually followed by a strategic rethinking, including some organizational changes. In this light, he added that he is glad to see the discussion point on the future vision of EMODnet. 

Updates on the EMODnet Portal

Conor Delaney (CD, EMODnet Technical Coordinator) updated the Steering Committee on the EMODnet Central Portal developments following the unification of services in January 2023, including the Central Portal visitation metrics and Map Viewer updates. The latest update of the Map Viewer was implemented in November 2023 which included an improvement in downloading shapefiles, the addition of a Europa Analytics tracking script in the Map Viewer release, improved time parameter tracking, advanced filtering, improved WFS download functionalities and advanced download functionality, with animated layers. He added that EMODnet continuously evolves, with the Map Viewer updates being brought together in 6 monthly updates. The next release is currently in the testing phase, with updated tools including the addition of an Antarctic projection among others, to be made public in summer 2024. He added this would likely be the last release of 2024. From 2025 onwards, the code for the map viewer will be published on Github Development Space (or other similar platforms) for community development. Lastly, CD updated the participants on the move of the EMODnet Portal to Drupal 10 and the ECAS Integration. He highlighted that ECAS is integrated to allow for the integration of data ingestion into the EMODnet Portal. Meetings are being held between the Central Portal team and the EMODnet Data Ingestion team to move forward with the centralisation, to be completed in 2024.

KL added that in March 2024 the EMODnet Secretariat launched a new EMODnet Technical blog. This is coordinated by the Secretariat, with technical blogs planned every quarter. The blog is public, aimed at a non-technical audience. The first blog provided a lay-person summary of the EMODnet unified service, and the Secretariat welcomes topic ideas from the EMODnet SC and TWG for future blogs.

Updates from EMODnet Thematics & Data Ingestion

EMODnet Seabed Habitats

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Seabed Habitats Updates

Ville Karvinen (SYKE, Finland; EMODnet Seabed Habitats Coordinator) presented the updates from EMODnet Seabed Habitats, showcasing the latest offer for the flagship broad-scale benthic habitat map data product EUSeaMap, including data and information on key habitat types including live hard coral, Seagrass, Macroalgal canopy, Mangrove cover, Coastal wetlands, Essential Fish Habitats (EFH), Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME) and Biogenic substrate. He noted that, currently, the EUSeaMap Benthic Broad Habitat Types is used for MSFD reporting. Furthermore, a lot more (and more precise) seabed habitats data will be needed in light of the coming European Nature Restoration Law, if its finally approved.

He explained that the 2023-2025 workplan of EMODnet Seabed habitats includes an update of existing products, together with some new data products, as well as increased coverage e.g., for the Caribbean Sea.  New areas and new data providers will be identified, focusing on user needs and working towards a full integration of habitat observation data with species data. The ongoing partnerships, which include collaboration with research projects, Regional Sea Conventions and the European Technical Group (TG) Seabed and ICES Working Group (WG) for Marine Habitat Mapping was further explained. He highlighted that there is a need to be more streamlined in how data is shared with EMODnet by the EU projects, which would be discussed further on day 2.

EMODnet Bathymetry

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Bathymetry Updates


Dick Schaap (DS, MARIS, The Netherlands, EMODnet Bathymetry) presented the updates from EMODnet Bathymetry on behalf of the Coordinator Thierry Schmitt, SHOM, France, EMODnet Bathymetry) who could not attend the meeting. DS highlighted the main goal of EMODnet Bathymetry continued to be bringing together bathymetry data sets (focus on in situ) from all possible data providers to generate and publish the most comprehensive public Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of Bathymetry for European seas and the Caribbean region. He noted that a new release of the DTM will be published at the end of 2024.

The overview of EMODnet Bathymetry current products and services includes collections of bathymetry data sets (in-situ and Remote Sensing) from all possible data providers in order to generate and publish the best Digital Bathymetry for European seas and Caribbean Sea. He mentioned that the EMODnet Bathymetry products are relevant and provide marine knowledge to support several EU directives, also used by research and academia and the private sector. He highlighted that in terms of data sharing, industry (private sector) data provision is slowly increasing, with examples from EMODnet Associated Partner Fugro among others, but there is still a lot of data not yet obtained from this sector. The future outlook for EMODnet Bathymetry includes a continued close cooperation with Seabed 2030, GEBCO and Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS, for derived bathymetry from satellites), improving the deep-Sea data offer, potential mixed thematic data products and the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) to innovate working methods such as local interpolation, super-resolution of satellite images and 3D visualisations, also new methods of deriving bathymetry from gravimetry data. In terms of use cases, Dick added, there are several use cases using EMODnet Bathymetry, including by the Blue Economy for (micro)siting offshore renewable energy platforms e.g., wind farms.

It was also discussed that bathymetry is not yet recognised as an Essential Ocean Variable (EOV) by GOOS. EMODnet Bathymetry recommends that efforts should be undertaken to change this.

EMODnet Chemistry

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Chemistry Updates

Alessandra Giorgetti (OGS, Italy; EMODnet Chemistry Coordinator) presented the updates from EMODnet Chemistry, highlighting the 580 data/data products on beach litter, Contaminants, Microlitter, Seafloor litter and eutrophication available in the EMODnet catalogue. In terms of the EMODnet Chemistry data offer for EU policy, she showcased that the Beach litter data was used for EU baselines and threshold values and the pollution on biota and eutrophication contribution to EEA indicators (through ICES).

The key areas of service evolution in the 2023-2025 workplan for EMODnet Chemistry include expanding and improving data collections for Eutrophication and Contaminants and expanding the marine litter offer to seafloor litter. Chemistry is also working on using ERDDAP and expanding global data collection with groups as GLODAP and SOCCAT. Litter products will be improved by the use of imagery data. Lastly, she mentioned that in addition to existing use cases, there are now four use cases in the pipeline for publication to showcase how EMODnet Chemistry is used by different communities. It was noted that EMODnet is not the submission platform for Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) data, however, there is an opportunity to discuss with EC DG MARE, ENV and EEA on how the EMODnet offer could be enhanced by regulatory monitoring data, to better serve EU policy. JBC and Joana Beja (VLIZ, Belgium, EMODnet Biology Coordinator) remarked on the plan of EMODnet Chemistry to analyse deep-Sea imagery for marine litter recognition, noting this could also potentially be used for analysing biodiversity which would be useful for other EMODnet thematics including Biology and Seabed habitats.

ACTION 1: EMODnet Chemistry, Biology and Seabed Habitats to look at the use of seafloor imagery collected for marine litter also for biodiversity uses (EMODnet Chemistry, Biology and Seabed Habitat; To report at next SC).

EMODnet Biology

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Biology Updates

Joana Beja (JB, VLIZ, Belgium; EMODnet Biology Coordinator) presented the updates from EMODnet Biology, highlighting that 1325 datasets and 38 data products are currently published. She mentioned that it is difficult to track which data and data products are being used for EU Policies. From their recent survey for the Regional Sea Conventions (which will remain open until December 2024), they could conclude (based on inputs so far) that most data sharing into EMODnet Biology is from organisations that are part of the EMODnet Biology Consortium. EMODnet Biology has published four leaflets customised for the Regional Sea Conventions[1] and organised a workshop with them in April 2024.

For the 2023-2025 workplan, EMODnet Biology plans to expand the data publications, data products and increase the communication and collaboration with Regional Sea Conventions. Additionally, she added that EMODnet Biology is experiencing difficulty with this expansion because the Map Viewer is currently not ideal for displaying biological data yet. In light of the publication of their progress report for publication of fisheries survey data, JB added that they have difficulty obtaining and publishing fisheries data because most of the time the data is not publicly available. Some Member States report to the Joint Research centre (JRC), others to ICES, and requesting the data is not straightforward as it is very dependent on each Member State policy. JB also mentioned that it has been difficult to engage with expert groups on mammals and birds, which remains a gap in the EMODnet Biology data offer. The known gap on data in the Arctic, Mediterranean and Black Sea was also mentioned. There is an ongoing discussion with Geology and Seabed Habitats for the creation of joint products. JB also noted that the submission of EU project data to EMODnet needed further discussion, since there were multiple data flows into EMODnet, not only via Data Ingestion but also directly to thematics.

JB also raised the following points:

  • Clarification was requested on the process to include EMODnet Biology data and data products in the EDITO data lake. Concerns about the degradation of provenance due to the way the EDITO catalogue is being set up and also whether the thematic lots would have access to usage metrics of the resources available via EDITO-Infra. It was noted this is a concern and not limited to EMODnet Biology. This was briefly discussed at the SC Open and Closed session, with related action 6 (see below) and it was noted this topic would be further discussed at a follow-up meeting being planned for May 2024 that would bring together EMODnet thematic Coordinators, dedicated to EMODnet’s contribution to EDITO and the EU Digital Twin Ocean;
  • Clarification was requested on the expectations and support given to EU funded projects whose outputs should become available in EMODnet. This was further discussed by the SC, with related action 11 (see below).

Finally, JB suggested that a more explicit data policy statement for EMODnet data and data products should be easily available in the Central Portal. The Secretariat noted that an accessibility statement and legal notice are already available on the EMODnet Portal. It would be worth looking into what else could be added regarding data policies, in communication with the EC ensuring these are in-line with EC regulation. 

ACTION 2: EMODnet Secretariat to look at the existing EMODnet terms of use and discuss with EC DG MARE on EMODnet data policy, with a view to communicating this on EMODnet Portal (EMODnet Secretariat; To report at next SC) Post-meeting note: A legal notice is already in the EMODnet Portal footer.

EMODnet Geology

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Geology Updates

Anu Kaskela (GTK, Finland; EMODnet Geology) presented the updates from EMODnet Geology, with the key data products and services including Seabed substrate, Sea-floor geology, Coastal behaviour, Geological events and Probabilities, Marine minerals, Submerged landscapes and Entity indexes. There are more than 90 data products available.

For the EU Policy context, she added that EMODnet Geology data products have been and can be further used for EU Directives e.g. Maritime Spatial Planning Directive, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Habitats Directive, Biodiversity Strategy, Blue Economy Strategy, Green Deal and the European Critical Raw Materials Act.

For the 2023-2025 workplan EMODnet Geology will continue to update and improve the available data products, further develop the seabed erosion data product, optimise the sea-floor geology vocabularies, visualise the uncertainty of satellite-based coastline migration and align the strategic minerals, critical minerals/non-critical minerals classifications. A new sub-contract with Caribbean partners is in place with a view to expanding the offer in the Caribbean Sea. Lastly, she highlighted that several EMODnet Geology partners are participating in the HORIZON 2.5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility project Geological Service for Europe (GSEU), which enables synergy and direct feedback. EMODnet Geology attributes are being queried and translated into applied attributes needed to build a geo-assessment matrix for determining seabed suitability to construction of offshore windfarms.

EMODnet Physics

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Physics Updates


As the EMODnet Physics Coordinators were not available to attend the SC Open sessiont, KL briefly presented the PPT supplied.  Updates included an overview of the current EMODnet Physics offer, which is very diverse, ranging in parameters from temperature, salinity and currents to sea level (relative and absolute), underwater noise, river outflow, etc, with several partnerships offering global coverage due to global partnerships.

EMODnet physics data supports EU policy through MSP via land-sea interaction data (river outflow, waves, currents, sea level) and MSFD through the Descriptors 7 (hydrographical conditions) and 11 (underwater noise and other forms of energy).

The 2023-2025 workplan for EMODnet physics includes expanding the in situ data parameters, , reviewing and improving the existing layers (e.g., resolution, coverage) Examples of parameters to be further expanded include Air-Sea fluxes, Land-Sea interface (coastal and inland waters where possible), expanding the Ocean sounds offer, and increasing data derived from Citizen Science initiatives.

EMODnet Human Activities

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Human Activities Updates

Alessandro Pititto (Cogea, Bip Group, Italy; EMODnet Human Activities Coordinator) presented the updates from EMODnet Human Activities where he highlighted that EMODnet Human Activities currently offers data on 19 themes (e.g., Aquaculture, Vessel Density, Marine Spatial Planning), each of them with one or more data sets/products.

He highlighted that EMODnet Human Activities mostly contributes to EU policy by making available marine spatial plans, harmonized according to a bespoke data model created in the framework of the Technical Expert Group on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) Data. Alessandro remarked that EMODnet works with the Member States after they submit their national MSP, to make these available in geospatial layers in EMODnet. This is a process and EMODnet Human Activities are progressively making more national MSPs available. He added that some countries have started updating their existing Marine Spatial Plan and provided the update through EMODnet Data Ingestion.

It was noted that France is also in the process of updating their MSP, which will be finalised by the end of 2024 after which EMODnet Human Activities can start to make this available on the EMODnet Portal.

EMODnet Human Activities also contributes to some descriptors of the MSFD process, though to a lesser extent compared with other EMODnet thematic groups. AP then noted that EMODnet Human Activities has some notable data gaps, e.g. fisheries. This area could be expanded in discussion with DG MARE because historically, not a lot of fisheries data is available in EMODnet, although it is one of the main human activities in the ocean. Further, he explained that a lot of companies in offshore energy use data from EMODnet in the early stages of their projects.

EMODnet Data Ingestion

General publications12 June 2024
EMODnet Data Ingestion Updates


Sissy Iona (HCMR, Greece; EMODnet Data Ingestion Scientific Coordinator) presented the updates from EMODnet Data Ingestion, highlighting that the main goal is to identify, encourage and support data holders (from public and private sectors) to share their data with EMODnet by teaming up with EU data management infrastructures that feed different EMODnet thematics. She added that the EMODnet Data Ingestion service is in the process of being fully integrated into the EMODnet Portal. Further, she noted that the submissions of data published to EMODnet have increased over the past few years. The majority of the submissions come from the research and academia sector, but also an increasing number are coming from non-governmental organisations (NGOs), e.g. for marine litter, and the private sector.

In the 2023-2025 workplan EMODnet Data Ingestion is expanding its scope in supporting EU RTD projects in the submission and ingestion of new data into EMODnet. As part of this activity, EMODnet Data Ingestion co-organised with the Secretariat a webinar for European projects (Horizon Europe, Mission Ocean etc) on 28 February 2024 together with a guidance document to inform projects’ data management plans to make the data and metadata readier for submission to EMODnet. EMODnet Data Ingestion also plan to expand their role as an expert in technologies for connecting near real-time data streams in closer cooperation with operational oceanography sector.

EMODnet and European Ocean Observing

General publications12 June 2024
Ocean Observing Presentation DG MARE

Rémy Dénos (RD, EC DG MARE) opened the session on EMODnet and European Ocean Observing by informing that in the context of the EC Ocean Observation Initiative, DG MARE is working towards the technical specifications of a planning IT tool where the Member States could report on their ocean observing plans (when and where they observe, and for what purpose). Due to the European elections in in June 2024, he noted that any EC Ocean Observing initiative legislative proposal would only come after the new Commission is in place. A prototype of the planning IT tool is planned for submission to the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) working group of the European Council in 2025. In June 2024 there will be the first meeting with Member State experts. 

RD clarified that the planning tool would include all kinds of ocean observations carried out with public money, from research cruises to monitoring campaigns. He added that information on private sector data collection efforts would also be welcome, if they are willing to share their observing plans.

KL emphasized the several ways EMODnet supports DG MARE and the EC Ocean Observation Initiative, including activities to further connect EMODnet with its data collectors and providers, in the framework of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS). She showed the EMODnet in situ marine data pipeline, highlighting the diversity of sectors providing data to EMODnet, and the key role of data aggregators to enable the pipeline to EMODnet. She noted that EMODnet is recognized as a regional (EU) asset and the most comprehensive public marine data service for Europe’s in situ ocean observation and marine data efforts.

She added that to foster collaboration and improve data flows, EMODnet is active in organising community events, targeted assessments, and comprehensive desk studies such as the EMODnet sea-basin Checkpoint (SBCP) added value study in 2022-2023 which included a stakeholder consultation and workshop on the benefits of the SBCP methodology and approach to assessing data adequacy and informing on data gaps and requirements. She also noted that the Secretariat continue to conduct studies on the coordination of ocean observation and data, which in 2024 would be focused on the regional scale, building on studies conducted in 2023 to now include the Arctic Ocean.

EMODnet for EU Policy

Rémy Dénos (RD, EC DG MARE) served as the meeting Chair for the agenda item on EMODnet for EU Policy. He opened the discussion, inviting the EU representatives present from DG ENV, DEFIS, and EEA to bring their perspectives on how EMODnet can support EU directives and policy in the future, stressing that this session would focus on the MSFD, and the expectations from the session is to develop a common understanding on the role of the different actors involved in the Directive.

RD opened the panel discussion with the other EC representatives and policy makers namely with Georg Hanke (EC Joint Research Centre), Fanny Gard (EC DG Environment), Joana Costa (European Environmental Agency), and Céline Frank (EC DG MARE).

Georg Hanke (GH, EC JRC) reflected on EMODnet’s key role in providing the marine litter database for Europe which was co-developed by EMODnet and the JRC, and is used for MSFD Descriptor 10 (marine litter). He added that the EU trends for coastline litter have been made possible through the use of EMODnet data.

Regarding EMODnet’s evolution in the context of supporting MSFD, GH explained that EMODnet Chemistry is working with JRC and Member State experts to see where the use of EMODnet data in MSFD assessments could be improved e.g., for eutrophication and contaminants. Where relevant, this will be done in dialogue with Copernicus Marine Service. For all descriptors, JRC has analysed the data availability and gaps in Member State reporting for MSFD which led to a study on identifying biodiversity data challenges. For the Water Framework Directive (WFD), JRC is looking into the potential use of EMODnet Human Activities data. And for MSFD Descriptor 11 (Energy and Noise), GH noted that JRC looks forward to working with EMODnet Physics. RD asked if it would be possible to generalise a process for supporting MSFD Descriptors. Georg replied that the marine litter is a good example, and it would be a great added value to have all data for MSFD Descriptors in one comparative format. The first steps towards this goal are to bring the data in one place and make it interoperable and with the same format. Furthermore, JRC is looking to collect oil spill data for the Pollution Directive (DG MOVE) which would also likely engage EMODnet.

RD asked Fanny Gard (FG, EC DG ENV) how it would be possible to develop synergies in the data sharing by the Member States for MSFD. Fanny stated that the MSFD was adopted in 2008, and that it is the responsibility of the Member States to develop their National Marine Strategy. DG MARE and the wider EC already has knowledge on what data the Member States make available for the MSFD, but it is not harmonised and there is a need for a common approach. She added that there will be a technical data working group created in the context of MSFD, under DG ENV, which will work on data standardisation for MSFD and it could link with EMODnet and the work that has been done for marine litter. For this, she highlighted that the Member States need to be included in the process as they will be implementing. Finally, she stressed the importance of citing the source of the data when they come from MS monitoring activities. It was confirmed that EMODnet metadata acknowledges the data originator, data provider and other information regarding the provenance of the data. It would be important to harmonise and include this systematically to build trust and increase the use of EMODnet data for EU Policy, and to promote data sharing of MS monitoring activity with EMODnet.

KL explained that the Secretariat was recently invited to review the MSFD Working Group (WG) Data Information and Knowledge Systems (DIKE) and Technical Group (TG) Data workplan. She welcomed the reference to EMODnet in the document, noting that if new metadata and data standards would be discussed and/or developed in the context of MSFD, it would be important to build on existing standards e.g., INSPIRE (data), ISO (metadata) and OGC for web services, as used and implemented by EMODnet, and avoid the creation of new ones. She confirmed these suggestions had been provided in the Secretariat review of the MSFD Data workplan. EMODnet Biology (JB) seconded the need to build on existing (e.g., EMODnet) standards.

RD then asked Joana Costa (EEA) about EEA’s data requirements for performing assessments. She explained that the main data EEA needs is for assessments related to MSFD, the Birds and Habitats Directive and the Water Framework Directive (WFD). For these purposes EEA use Member State data, but EEA already use some other available sources of data, and this is where EMODnet could have a stronger role. Currently, EEA is using EMODnet Chemistry and EMODnet Human Activities data for EEA Marine Indicators like nutrients, oxygen, contaminants, eutrophication etc. She added that, in future developments, more data will be needed, including underwater noise and species habitats (pelagic and benthic). EEA would also benefit from Human Activities data layers that connect human activities pressure with their effects on the marine environment.

Céline Frank (CF, EC DG MARE) mentioned that she is working in the Marine Spatial Planning unit of DG MARE. This includes working with colleagues to find more synergies between MSP and MSFD. She noted there is already a Technical Working Group for MSP in place and that EMODnet is well connected (e.g., Human Activities and Secretariat). She reflected that the WG MSP could potentially collaborate with the MSFD Working Group on Data, Information, and Knowledge Exchange (WG DIKE), to improve data collection and data sharing with the goal to simplify the work of Member States. 

RD concluded the agenda item noting the many good examples where EMODnet is already serving EU Policy, and that there are a number of clear areas where the EC and other EU agencies suggest closer cooperation, to optimise the data pipeline, with a long-term goal to have all marine-related data collected by Member States to be made available in EMODnet in a standardized and homogeneous manner.

EMODnet Partnerships

KL opened the EMODnet Partnerships agenda item by providing highlights of EMODnet’s partnerships at European level. She started by explaining that EMODnet is a key contributor to the European Digital Twin Ocean (DTO) via the EDITO-Infra project. In this project EMODnet is providing the in situ data infrastructure backbone, working in close partnership with Copernicus Marine Service

ZK added that this project will change the way we work with data, models and policy, as it aims to remove fragmentation, unnecessary layers, improve data information sharing (faster), break down silos and create less need for multiple platforms that lose purpose after a project ends. She noted that this improvement would allow for more time to focus on improving modelling capacities and data quality.

KL continued with further activities of the EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service collaboration which included a joint communication released in November 2023[2] explaining the in situ data offer and role of both EU services, with EMODnet providing the most comprehensive and diverse offer of in situ data and with EMODnet-Copernicus Marine Service joint activities on a more targeted number of in situ data required for Copernicus Marine modelling and forecasting activities. She added that as an output of the UN Ocean Decade (UN OD) Conference 2024 EMODnet is co-organising a webinar with Copernicus Marine Service and EUMETSAT on 19 June 2024 which will present the European marine data services and how they are individually and collectively contributing to global ocean data initiatives and the UN Ocean Decade. This webinar is in collaboration with the UN OD Coordination Centre for Ocean Data Sharing (DCC ODS).

KL followed with an update on the partnership with the European Joint Programming Initiatives. EMODnet is a key contributor to JPI Oceans and Climate joint Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise, with thematic experts from EMODnet physics involved in the chapter development and KL as Head of EMODnet Secretariat serving as handling editor for a Chapter on governance, and co-Chairing a task group on engagement. This activity will produce the first European Assessment on Sea Level Rise, planned to launch by Autumn 2024. KL then updated the SC of a new Knowledge Hub on Blue Carbon, explaining that EMODnet already provides some data layers relevant for Blue Carbon e.g., benthic habitat information (seagrass etc), but also in terms of ocean chemistry (carbonate system and oxygen data), marine and more. She confirmed that EMODnet Seabed Habitats and the Secretariat had joined the first meeting of a WG on data in April 2024 and EMODnet Seabed Habitats experts would be involved with this activity going forward, including bringing EMODnet’s expertise and best practice to any future Blue Carbon data developments. Lastly, KL mentioned that EMODnet Seabed Habitats experts also contributed as Working Group members to an upcoming European Marine Board Future Science Brief (FSB) on Habitat Mapping, planned for launch on 17 June in Brussels (and online). The FSB repeatedly uses EMODnet as a best practice and example noting the EUSeaMap as a unique asset for Europe in broad-scale benthic habitat mapping.

JBC then followed up with the updates on the global EMODnet partnerships. He mentioned that some thematic lots have a global data coverage. And he highlighted that is it important to maintain the collaboration with data services beyond the EU. He mentioned that EMODnet is contributing significantly to the UN Ocean Decade and that the UN DCO ODS had produced a data and information strategy, with inputs from EMODnet experts, to foster the creation of a global digital data information sharing environment.

Vicente Fernandez (VF, EMODnet Secretariat) then provided more information on EMODnet for global activities. He updated the SC that EMODnet had become a decade implementing partner since March 2023, and since then had participated in European and Global Decade Implementing Partners meetings, in addition to having high and diverse representation at the recent UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona in April 2024. He noted that EMODnet has a dedicated Coordination and implementation WG for the Ocean Decade (E4OD CIG) which includes among its activities a mapping exercise on EMODnet partners activities in UN Decade actions and programs. He also reminded the SC that the unification of EMODnet’s thematic services and common metadata catalogue had enabled the EMODnet catalogue to be harvested by the Ocean Data Information System (ODIS) of IODE of IOC/UNESCO, and by Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), with this being achieved by Autumn 2023. Regarding regional collaborations, VF added that the EMODnet Secretariat held a tele-meeting with IMOS / AODN (Australia) and Copernicus Marine Service to strengthen collaboration between regional data services.

ACTION 3: EMODnet E4OD-CIG co-Chairs to present updates at next SC, in communication with the EMODnet Secretariat (EMODnet co-Chairs and Secretariat; Next SC).

EMODnet OSL 4.0 and events overview

KL opened the agenda item on EMODnet events, first noting that EMODnet would be organising it’s fourth Open Sea Lab 4.0 Hackathon as a virtual event between 12-15 November 2024. She highlighted that the main goal of this OSL 4.0 would be to showcase the use of EMODnet’s data and products offer within EDITO. Co-operation with Copernicus Marine Service would be foreseen for any activities related to EDITO Model-Lab and the use of Copernicus Marine Service data. She explained that the operational planning for OSL 4.0 would take place in the 20th SC closed session on 30 April, including the role of EMODnet Coordinators, Partners and Technical Working Group members as coaches and mentors, together with discussing the OSL 4.0 Challenge Areas, coaches/mentors training event, and nominations for jury members.

KL then followed with an update on relevant upcoming events in which EMODnet will be involved. She noted that EMODnet had been well represented by EMODnet Geology, Chemistry and others at the European Geophysical Union (EGU) 2024. She also referred to the upcoming MSFD TG Data/WG DIKE meeting to which the EMODnet Secretariat and EMODnet Biology (among others) were planning to attend. She then explained that EMODnet attends where possible events organised by the private sector, to raise awareness of EMODnet as a key source of marine data and information for the Blue Economy, and to explore data sharing opportunities. On this basis, KL would present EMODnet at the first Hydrospatial Infrastructure and Blue Economy Summit of the Geospatial World Forum (GWF) 2024 on 15-16 March 2024. At European Maritime Day 2024 (30-31 May 2024) EMODnet would have a booth, and were also co-organising a booth on EDITO. EMODnet is also co-organising a joint workshop with European Environmental Agency and European Blue Economy Observatory on ‘Diverse Data in support of European policy and the Blue Economy’ which would take place on 31 May 2024. The same week (27-31 May 2024), many EMODnet experts would be at the International Marine Data and Information Symposium (IMDIS) 2024. Furthermore, the EMODnet Secretariat and VLIZ would co-convene an EDITO workshop at an event of the Ecopath ecosystem modelling community between 3-7 June 2024, together with speaking at the Copernicus Marine Service General Assembly (4-5 June 2024) and providing an EMODnet coach for the OceanHack4EU Copernicus Hackathon, followed by EMODnet’s key role in the Digital Ocean Forum (DOF) 2024. After the summer, EMODnet would also have a booth and co-organise a session at the ICES Annual Science Conference (9-12 September 2024. It was noted that the number of events had highly increased, and it was more important than ever for the full EMODnet partnership to share information on EMODnet representation at events. This would be discussed further at the closed session on day 2, including the utilisation of a shared document on EMODnet at third party events and EMODnet flagship events.

EMODnet Future Look

KL explained that following the EMODnet Call to Action launched at the EMODnet Open Conference 2023, the EMODnet community was moving forwards to produce an EMODnet 2035 Vision document by the end of 2024. This would focus on the service evolution of EMODnet (key services, EMODnet’s offer including parameters, resolution, coverage, EMODnet’s contribution to EU policy and global initiatives, etc). It would not focus on the funding or governance mechanisms for EMODnet. The EMODnet Secretariat was facilitating this activity and had drafted the Terms of Reference in January 2024, setting up the EMODnet Vision 2035 Drafting Group (EMODnet VDG) including a call for member nominations, in collaboration with EMODnet Coordinators, to ensure representation from all EMODnet components, and with the Secretariat also facilitating nominations from the EMODnet Sea-basin Checkpoint activities and the EMODnet Associated Partners. A number of key wider stakeholders including Copernicus Marine Service, ICES, IODE, EuroGOOS, IODE, IHO (EU office), EuroGeoSurveys and the UN OD DCC ODS had also been invited as key representatives of the EMODnet marine knowledge value chain. The first meeting had taken place in April 2024. In summer 2024 a public stakeholder consultation would be organised to ensure a transparent and inclusive process to the EMODnet Vision 2035.

Closing day 1

RD closed 1 day of the 20th EMODnet Steering Committee by reiterating that he is happy to see the collaborations and highlighted the appreciation from Research community about EMODnet. ZK added that she is happy with the progress that EMODnet was able to make and optimizing the available resources. She anticipated that by expanding the network through ongoing activities that has been discussed will foster the necessary evolution to advance EMODnet to the next level.

EMODnet Closed Session*

Tuesday 30 April 2023, 09:00-11:45 CET

*This session was for EMODnet SC only

Welcome and Opening Remarks (Chair, EMODnet Secretariat, and DG MARE)

General publications12 June 2024
20th EMODnet Steering Committee Slide deck Day 2

Jan-Bart Calewaert (JBC, senior advisor to EMODnet) opened the 20th EMODnet Steering Committee (SC) closed session, welcoming all participants namely EC DG MARE, DG DEFIS, CINEA, EMODnet Coordinators and the Secretariat. He presented the overall agenda of the meeting, noting that the closed session would focus on more operational issues, including the OSL 4.0 Hackathon planning. 

Kate Larkin (KL, Head of the EMODnet Secretariat) gave the floor to Rémy Dénos (RD, EC DG MARE) who welcomed everyone on behalf of EC DG MARE. He informed the SC about two recent initiatives published in advance of the upcoming European Parliament elections in June 2024. First RD highlighted a recent manifesto[3] which had been launched at a European Parliament event and circulated across many EC DGs. Secondly, he noted that the former Italian Prime Minister (Enrico Letta) had presented to the European Council a report[4] on EU priorities, including a reference on European data spaces. He noted the initiatives and documents could be of potential interest and relevant when writing the new EMODnet Vision 2035.

Operational updates from the EMODnet Secretariat: List and status of actions from previous meeting (December 2023, 19th SC)

KL reviewed the list of actions from the 19th SC in December 2023:

  • An EMODnet Seminar for DG MARE staff, which was a request from Charlina Vitcheva (DG MARE Director General) after the EMODnet Open Conference, was successfully organised by EC DG MARE and held in April 2024 as a lunch time event for DG MARE colleagues. The Seminar was attended by several colleagues from multiple DG MARE units, and was very useful to promote EMODnet in DG MARE and the use of EMODnet data for EU environmental Directives;
  • The cooperation with Copernicus Marine on in-situ data flows and the work of the Marine In-situ Collaboration (MIC) group is ongoing and an infographic on in-situ data sharing between chemistry, physics and Copernicus INSTAC is in progress;
  • A group discussion on how to better display data for MSP is ongoing: the MSP Technical Group is more focused on the data itself, but the way of presenting and display data is also important.
  • The EMODnet 2035 Vision drafting group was successfully launched, with its first meeting in April 2024; 
  • The webpage[5] on EMODnet Portal of data aggregators now includes an explainer text regarding the stakeholder list, noting this does represent the full list of data providers;
  • EMODnet is now registered as a stakeholder in the EU Blue Invest platform;
  • A mapping of the EMODnet activities related with the UN Ocean Decade, being performed by the E4UNOD-CIG[6]  was firstly presented at the EMODnet conference in November 2023. It was suggested to present the updates on the group at the next SC.

KL also informed the Steering Committee (SC) about a shared google drive folder set up to promote information exchange between the SC on key EMODnet documents e.g., SC meeting documents and templates e.g., EMODnet PPT template and document templates. It was noted that a long and short updated EMODnet PowerPoint presentation (with content) will be made available in this folder by summer 2024, for the SC to use when they or their partners are giving presentations on EMODnet. It will also be also used to share documents for EMODnet flagship events, including the upcoming OSL 4.0 Hackathon. KL then updated the SC that every two years the SC tables the EMODnet SC Terms of Reference (ToR) to assess if any updates are required. She noted that the Secretariat had identified that the background section should be updated, as it was written before the centralization was completed. CINEA and DG MARE agreed and noted they had no further comments. There were no further inputs from the SC.

ACTION 4: Update the EMODnet SC Terms of Reference background information to reflect the current status of the EMODnet unified service (EMODnet Secretariat; 31 August 2024)

Updates from 15th Technical Working Group (TWG)

Conor Delaney (CD, EMODnet Secretariat) presented an overview of the EMODnet Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting which took place on the 12 March, which was attended by EMODnet colleagues, DG MARE and CINEA. The meeting resulted in a task list of 9 items. The next TWG meeting will be in person in October 2024 (final dates to be confirmed) and it will include a review of all products and services.

He notified the SC that there will be a migration to a new version of Jira and Confluence (Atlassian licences) in the next two weeks that will be announced by email. Regarding the update of the static content on the EMODnet portal, CD informed that there will also be a migration to Drupal 10 and ECAS. After this, a process will be set up for thematic and data ingestion Coordinators to be able to update their own EMODnet Portal webpage content with an ECAS account, with content being published after review by the Central Portal Technical team.

EMODnet Communications: Update on 2024 activities (EMODnet Secretariat, ALL)

Angeliki Karampourouni (AK, EMODnet Secretariat) gave an overview of the EMODnet communication strategy updates for 2024. She highlighted that a new video would be produced in 2024 building on the centralisation and bringing in stakeholders to show the user demand. She added that an infographic was already in production on EMODnet for Aquaculture, in collaboration with DG MARE, and a further infographic would be produced for the EMODnet Vision 2035. She further reminded the Steering Committee of the EMODnet monthly newsletters that have a large and diverse readership and are an important channel for communicating the EMOD-network’s achievements, activities and events. She noted that thematic Coordinators and data ingestion are encouraged to contribute regularly (at least 2 news item per year), and she requested that all Coordinators check and ensure they are subscribed to the newsletter, and that they encourage their EMODnet partners, subcontractors and wider stakeholders to subscribe. She noted that the Secretariat was also looking into ways to increase the dissemination of more sector-specific information about EMODnet for EU Policy and EMODnet for the Blue Economy, with a view to adding webpages on the EMODnet offer for these stakeholder groups over the next year.  

KL also noted that in 2024 the EMODnet Vision 2035 would be an important output that would include stakeholder consultation and input, and then communication and dissemination post-publication. She re-confirmed that EMODnet Coordinators are members of the Vision 2035 drafting group and encouraged Coordinators and other members of the Steering Committee to provide information on potential stakeholders with whom EMODnet should consult with in the Vision drafting process, and to populate a stakeholder list for promotion post-publication (end 2024 onwards).  

EMODnet Coordinators asked how they could update information and supporting materials (PPTs, PDFs, etc.) on past events after they have concluded, and the news item has been released. Dick Schaap (DS, EMODnet bathymetry, ingestion) suggested to have a place on the EMODnet Portal where all material and outputs from past events could be posted.

It was further mentioned that the EC Maritime Forum (MF) EMODnet community pages is not directly connected to the EMODnet website, however new items on the EMODnet Portal often hyperlink to the Maritime Forum pages where the Secretariat posts articles on key EMODnet meetings and events (e.g., EMODnet SC and TWG agenda and minutes, EMODnet for Business events etc) on the EC MF. 

ACTION 5: EMODnet Secretariat to look at options to expand the EMODnet Portal events section, to allow for events to be added as articles, allowing for PPT presentations and other resources to be added (31 August 2024)

EMODnet Open Sea Lab 4.0 operational planning (ALL)

AK introduced the timeline and steps to take for the preparation of the OSL 4.0. This edition will take place between the 12-15 November 2024 (exact dates and times to be confirmed*) and will be focused on the key role of EMODnet providing FAIR in-situ marine data to the European Digital Twin of the Ocean through EDITO. Data fusion using other data sources, and showcasing interoperability will be also relevant, as well as the use of Machine Learning (ML) and AI aspects. The event will be conducted online with an in-person hub in Ostend for the EMODnet coordination team. AK added that promotion of the event will only start after the Digital Ocean Forum in Brussels (12-13 June). In January or February 2025, the report and a video of the event will be produced as a deliverable.

Post-meeting note: Following further planning by EC DG MARE, CINEA and EMODnet Secretariat it was jointly agreed to re-schedule the OSL 4.0 to take place in March 2025. As a result, the 20th SC action related to OSL 4.0 has been extended to 31 October 2024.

She further noted that EMODnet Coordinators are asked to identify key stakeholders and actors for targeted invitation by mid-June 2024 and their help to promote support. She stressed the importance of EMODnet Coordinators and technical experts serving as mentors and coaches, as in previous editions. And she added that suggestions for jury members from the wider stakeholder network were also encouraged. AK then showed a table with the proposed challenges from the concept note document, the target audience in this OSL will be more technical as it is using EDITO platform (usability, interoperability etc.) and the TWG role will be important.

KL stressed the fact that every hackathon is an opportunity to promote EMODnet, and this edition of the OSL 4.0 is very timely to highlight EMODnet’s role in EDITO.

It was raised that most EMODnet Coordinators currently do not have enough information on EDITO project to have a clear idea at this stage on how to contribute to the OSL 4.0 challenges, and therefore is difficult for them to react at this stage.

JBC clarified that some information about EDITO project was shared in the TWG meetings, but it is expected that there will be progressively more involvement from the thematic lots and the entire EMODnet network. There will be a call for a joint meeting (1.5-2 hr) with all the Coordinators in May, to engage and to discuss the link between EMODnet and EDITO. JBC sees this as a great opportunity for the community to create new advanced data products. JBC also encouraged the participation at the Digital Ocean Forum (DOF) on the 12-13 June in Brussels (at least one-two representatives per thematic lot), an event that will be another opportunity to discuss on how EMODnet can contribute to EDITO.

CD also informed that an email on how to login the EDITO platform has been sent and there will be specific events to guide the thematic lots on how to use the EDITO platform in the future. There will be budget available from VLIZ to the different lots to upload their data and data products to the data lake. He also informed that there will be an EDITO-2 project starting at the beginning of the year 2025.

The Secretariat will send an email to find a time slot in May for a meeting to discuss the contribution of EMODnet to EDITO. In the meanwhile, JBC asked the technical Coordinators to engage with CD. DS agreed with the idea to increase the collaboration between EMODnet and EDITO.

ACTION 6: EMODnet Secretariat will communicate to Coordinators about thematic data/data products on EDITO infrastructure with a view to setting up a meeting in May 2024 (EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators; Communication by 30 April 2024; Meeting by end May 2024).  Post meeting note: Communication achieved 29 April; Meeting took place on 22 May 2024.

ACTION 7: EMODnet Secretariat to produce and share a google document/sheet of OSL 4.0 to collect feedback from EMODnet Coordinators on OSL 4.0 Challenge areas, availability to serve as mentors and/or coaches, and on nominations for the jury (external stakeholders) (EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators, 31 October 2024)

Post-event note: The OSL 4.0 will take place in March 2025 so all related SC actions are extended to 30 October 2024

Decision:  Save the date 8-11 October 2024, during the Technical Working Group meeting, for a short training of OSL coaches and mentors.

EMODnet Use Cases (ALL)

MT informed about three new use cases uploaded to the website since January 2024 and on 2 new use cases that are in the pipeline, both on marine litter. It was informed that MT is now the focal point at the Secretariat for the activities related to EMODnet use cases.

KL stressed to SC members that EMODnet use cases are a very important tool to exemplify the user demand and that the existing use case database can be further diversified and expanded. She asked the SC to make the Secretariat aware of new EMODnet use cases, with Coordinators using the Jira system to submit new use cases.  She added that EMODnet events including EMODnet for Business and dialogues with the Regional Sea Conventions also pose an opportunity to develop new use cases. RD showed his interest in the use cases and DG MARE will come back to the EMODnet Secretariat to ask for a download of existing use cases to see how this is evolving, and to see the trends of the EMODnet use cases.  

ACTION 8: EMODnet Secretariat to extract the EMODnet use case database for DG MARE (EMODnet Secretariat; 30 June 2024).

EMODnet for Business (ALL)

MT informed the Steering Committee on 3 new EMODnet Associated Partners (APs) that have joined so far in 2024. She presented the 3 organisations as: Renewable Grid Initiative (RGI), an initiative connecting private and public stakeholders related with the offshore renewable energy sector, Oceano VOX, specializing in the acquisition of environmental data, and Voice of the Ocean, which operates several ocean observatories in the Baltic Sea. These EMODnet APs have been announced on the EMODnet Portal and in the monthly EMODnet News Digest. There are a number of further EMODnet AP applications in the pipeline.

KL referred to the 19th SC discussion which discussed the need to clarify in the EMODnet AP ToR that if an EMODnet AP becomes a funded subcontractor or partner of EMODnet they then move to that EMODnet stakeholder category, thus denouncing their AP membership. She noted that the secretariat had taken this SC recommendation forward and had updated the EMODnet AP ToR accordingly, as tabled in the 20th SC document pack. The SC agreed with these updates and the updated AP ToR was approved and will be uploaded to the EMODnet Portal and distributed to existing EMODnet APs in the coming weeks.

Decision: the update of the Associated Partnership ToR is approved, and this change will be communicated to the affected Associated Partners.

ACTION 9: Post the updated EMODnet Associated Partnership ToR on the EMODnet Portal and communicate this to existing EMODnet APs (EMODnet Secretariat; 30 June 2024)

KL further explained the operational update of the EMODnet for Business events in 2024. The next event will be an online meeting in September-October, focused on Marinas and Ports, including recreational boating which has an increasingly important role in ocean observing and citizen science. The Secretariat would set up a meeting by early July with DG MARE and CINEA, together with a few key actors in this Blue Economy sector, to further plan the Autumn 2024 event and to finalise the stakeholder mapping to ensure key stakeholders were aware of the event.  More information will be available at beginning of the summer and Coordinators will be asked to indicate potential stakeholders interested in the event. It was suggested to include associations of major European ports as a main stakeholder, as they should be interested in environmental issues (e.g. 

RD also mentioned DG MARE is working together with DG ENV on topics related environmental regulations in harbours (e.g. residual water disposal etc) and these aspects could be taken into account during the EMODnet for Business event on Ports and Marinas.

EU Partnerships: Discussion and operational planning (ALL)

De-brief: EMODnet for EU Policy

KL initiated a de-brief from the open session discussion about EMODnet for EU Policy.

RD presented on the outputs of the DG MARE meeting with Eurostat on GISCO. GISCO is Eurostat’s geographical information system which is considered an official system that we should use when using official maritime domains borders and frontiers. There will be follow-up meetings of DG MARE with Eurostat and, as requested by Human Activities, a meeting regarding fishing quotas information.

RD also informed that EEA is the official institution responsible for storing (or keeping the links to) all environmental data from Member States reporting to MSFD (through Reportnet e-platform). This official role of EEA has to be respected and EMODnet should follow the distribution of the different official roles. 

Joana Beja (JB, EMODnet Biology) followed up on the conversations with Eurostat adding that the EEZ data published by Eurostat is from 2018 and not more updated than the marine regions base layer used by EMODnet. On EEA Reportnet, she claimed that many links for biological historical data are broken or not working, and in other cases being aggregated data, not useful for EMODnet biology.

RD mentioned the Eurostat EEZ data, even if it is not the most up to date, it is 'politically correct' to use it as official data. He added that EMODnet can provide an added value to EEA Reportnet, by providing advice on how to use data standards, but stressed the importance of respecting the official role of EEA as the official custodian of MSFD national data. RD finally mentioned DG MARE will follow up on these issues.

Tim Collart (TC, EMODnet Secretariat) added that what Eurostat is offering is not only marine data, but also the official geographical country and region boundaries. They provide a map service for these, which must be used instead of open street map in the EMODnet viewer.

A comment was made regarding EEA’s Reportnet which stated that they provide underpinning information for MSFD, but not always the data itself. EEA wants to further collaborate with EMODnet to get more (long-term series) data, as scientific data is very relevant for use in monitoring and reporting.

RD commented that DG ENV is involved in a MSFD revision process where EMODnet may play a role, though EMODnet should not replace EEA responsibilities and should not be responsible of any assessment. He added that DG MARE is in conversations with ENV and EEA to improve the collaborations regarding MSFD reporting. He further explained that MSFD data from Member States should be clearly identifiable, EEA can use the data sent by MS reporting but also other possible data sources which can be found in EMODnet.

As an example of successful connection between EMODnet and EEA, it was mentioned that EEA is using eutrophication data from EMODnet Chemistry and some data from Human Activities to assess the environmental pressures in MSFD.

RD also noted that EEA is happy to use EMODnet data but repeated that, from a legal point of view (MSFD Article 19.3), EEA is the entity responsible to host all the environmental data from member states for MSFD.

EMODnet and the Regional Sea Conventions

JB updated the Steering Committee on the outcomes of the EMODnet biology workshop with the Regional Sea Conventions (RSC), held on April 2024. She informed that, unfortunately, not all RSC technical responsible attended the meeting and noted the role of EMODnet biology was not always clear. The link between HELCOM and EMODnet is clear as HELCOM data goes to ICES, and ICES is an EMODnet partner. With OSPAR no interaction with EMODnet is in place so far. The Black Sea is a very difficult region to collaborate with due to geopolitical reasons. Conversations with UNEP/MAP are still in their early stage and the conversation has not yet produced tangible outputs. JB summarized that that the dialogue with RSC is not as easy and fluid as desirable.

KL highlighted that the EMODnet Secretariat will organize, during 2024, bilateral meetings with the different Regional Sea Conventions with the main goal to better understand how marine data flows towards the Regional Sea Conventions and how this data flows to European repositories and entities. This will build on the study conducted in 2024, working together with the European Marine Board. Other key European actor JPI-Oceans are conducting a study focused on the national coordination of ocean observation.

RD added that HELCOM and OSPAR have developed their own methodologies for processing data for MSFD descriptions, and that this should be considered. They have also collected data to produce the assessment report, and this makes the situation more complex.

It was noted that EMODnet Chemistry has a long history of collaboration with RSCs as RSC experts, except from UNEP-MAP, participate on the Chemistry board of experts. The BRIDGES and DOORS EU projects are working on getting more data from this region, working jointly with the Black Sea convention.

ACTION 10: EMODnet Coordinators to continue updating information on their thematic/data ingestion interactions with Regional Sea Conventions. The Arctic Ocean will be also added, in addition to the 4 European regional sea basins (Coordinators, 31 August 2024).

EMODnet and EU Projects

KL opened the next topic on European projects and initiatives. She informed on the new CINEA contract on Ocean Best Practices in which EMODnet physics is represented through ETT and KL has also been invited and accepted to sit on the Advisory Board. It was noted that SHOM is also involved in this new contract where they will contribute to best practices and guidelines on bathymetry.

A remark was made that EMODnet Biology attended a NECCTON Copernicus evolution project workshop on biodiversity modelling products and participated in an ongoing discussion on NETCDF CF standard names and conventions on biodiversity variables, involving also EMODnet Chemistry and Physics. Further, it was suggested that EMODnet could consider having more graphical pipeline information on how data from EU projects should go into EMODnet, building on and expanding upon the guidelines produced in February 2024.

RD mentioned that it would be good to repeat the Data Ingestion workshop for EU projects that took place in February but including more data managers from the different thematic lots. He further mentioned DG MARE is following the AMRIT project closely and mentioned a bilateral meeting between AMRIT and Copernicus Marine would be beneficial. Alessandra Cacciari (DG DEFIS) will follow up the link with AMRIT.  

ACTION 11: EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators to explore opportunities for repeating (e.g., annually) a webinar for EU projects on data/metadata ingestion to EMODnet, in communication with DG MARE and CINEA (EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators; 31 October 2024).

Lastly, it was noted that EMODnet Chemistry reported they have been invited to sit on the Advisory Board of CONTRAST, a new European project on contaminants, where there is a task on data management.

ACTION 12: EMODnet Secretariat to update the EU projects mapping template, for EMODnet Coordinators to add information on how their organisation / thematic/data ingestion is linked projects e.g., as partners, advisory board members, etc (EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators; 31 August 2024).

European Atlas of The Seas: EMODnet offer (EMODnet Secretariat, DG MARE)

Tim Collart (TC, EMODnet Secretariat) presented an overview of the European Atlas of the Seas concept. He mentioned that half of the maps come from EMODnet and he further presented on indicators on the use and maps downloaded during 2023. The Atlas includes links to the websites of the data providers. EMODnet will improve these links so that they point to the data providers’ webpages where data can be downloaded when this is available.

Nathalie Van Isacker (NVI, EMODnet Secretariat) explained the growing interest in the European Atlas of the Seas at different events and workshops where she presented. She gave three examples of ocean literacy events where lots of feedback on how to use the Atlas were received. In these events, Master or PhD students showed their interest to also download the data. Others, some working for EU projects, asked how to share their data. She also mentioned the Atlas’ Teachers Corner’, which is very relevant to Ocean Literacy. She finally presented the Synergies with the EU4Ocean Coalition initiative. NVI showed the link on how an organization can join the EU4Ocean Platform[7].

JBC stressed that the work on the European Atlas of the Seas broadens the scope of EMODnet to a non-expert audience and that the next European Maritime Day in May will be a good opportunity on linking EMODnet with the EU4Ocean coalition there will be an EU4Ocean booth as well as one for EMODnet

The link between the Atlas and OceanICU project - understanding Ocean Carbon cycle-, which has a lot of interest for education has been also highlighted. This collaboration will bring new opportunities for new contacts and users of the Atlas.

ACTION 13: EMODnet Secretariat to exchange with Coordinators on new EMODnet thematic data/data products that could be applicable to the European Atlas of the Seas (EMODnet Secretariat and Coordinators; Ongoing; to report updates at next SC).

External events: Overview (ALL)

JBC informed that there is a shared document with a list of relevant events. He invited the Coordinators to fill in the list regularly with relevant information when they attend meetings and events.

Next SC

The dates for the next SC meeting were discussed, including the option of an in-person meeting, potentially back-to-back with a TWG to be held the week of 8 October. There could be an in-person SC open session (half day) and then an online closed session (half day) the week after.  No decision was taken but CINEA and DG MARE and the EMODnet Secretariat to discuss this further during the next coordination meeting on 17 May.

ACTION 14: EMODnet Secretariat to discuss the planning for the EMODnet 21st SC with DG MARE and CINEA (EMODnet Secretariat; 17 May 2024). Post meeting note: Achieved.

Closing day 2 (DG MARE, EMODnet Secretariat, Chair)

JBC summarized the meeting outcomes, mentioning the important existing opportunities for the community:  e.g. the UN Ocean Decade, the Digital Twin Ocean, the EU policies requiring marine data and products. KL finally thanked the EMODnet Secretariat team for the organization of the Steering Committee, in particular Megan Tijssens (MT) for her work coordinating the meeting planning.

RD closed the meeting by thanking all the participants and acknowledging the impressive work carried out. He highlighted the connection with the EU projects and the importance to find a data pipeline from EU projects to EMODnet, and EMODnet’s support to MSFD.  Also, the connection with Copernicus Marine is relevant. He added that he is excited what the EMODnet community come up with for EMODnet’s evolution in the EMODnet's Vision for 2035, and he is optimistic regarding the alignment of perspectives at the European level, particularly with the upcoming European elections and the subsequent formation of the new European Parliament and Commission.

Annex I: List of participants

Table 2. List of participants




EMODnet Secretariat

Kate Larkin

EMODnet Secretariat

Conor Delaney

EMODnet Secretariat

Jan-Bart Calewaert

EMODnet Secretariat

Nathalie Tonné

EMODnet Secretariat

Tim Collart

EMODnet Secretariat

Angeliki Karampourouni

EMODnet Secretariat

Nathalie Van Isacker

EMODnet Secretariat

Vicente Fernandez

EMODnet Secretariat

Megan Tijssens

EMODnet Secretariat

EMODnet Bathymetry

Dick Schaap

MARIS, The Netherlands

EMODnet Bathymetry

Adeline Souf

SHOM, France

EMODnet Biology, Central Portal

Joana Beja

VLIZ, Belgium

EMODnet Chemistry

Alessandra Giorgetti

OGS, Italy

EMODnet Chemistry

Amandine Thomas

Ifremer, France

EMODnet Geology

Anu Kaskela

GTK, Finland

EMODnet Geology

Henry Vallius

GTK, Finland

EMODnet Human Activities

Alessandro Pititto

COGEA, Italy

EMODnet Seabed Habitats

Ville Karvinen

SYKE, Finland

EMODnet Data Ingestion 

Sissy Iona

HCMR, Greece


Zoi Konstantinou



Rémy Dénos



Grigore Rischitor



Myra Bugeja



Alessandra Cacciari



Fabrice Pourceau



Fanny Gard



Joana Costa



Georg Hanke









