On 21st and 22nd October 2014, representatives from Mediterranean countries, regional organisations and the European Commission met in Brussels (Borschette Centre, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels) to review the progress made on Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) in the Mediterranean Sea and jointly define concrete actions to promote maritime governance and growth in the region.
The 7th Meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) in the Mediterranean included presentations and discussions on a variety of issues including:
- EU recent IMP developments and future perspectives (EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region, EU Directive on MSP (DG MARE), EU Maritime Security Strategy);
- Initiatives and projects strengthening marine and maritime co-operation in the Mediterranean region (ADRIPLAN Project, 2014 Edition of the Mediterranean Coast Guard Function Forum, Study on ''Assessing the changing and future skill needs of the marine and maritime sectors'', Study on ''Maritime Clusters'', Study on the ''Identification of elements and geographical scope of Maritime Co-operation in the Mediterranean and its recommendations'');
- State of play of regional cooperation and identification of future actions aiming to contribute and advance on IMP and ''blue growth'' agenda implementation;
- EU funding possibilities for IMP and ''blue growth'' agenda for the period 2014-2020;
- Achievements of IMP- MED Project;
- Development of a Virtual Knowledge Centre (VKC) on marine and maritime affairs in the Mediterranean;
- IMP developments at national level.
Documents and presentations concerning the Working Group could be found attached.