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Maritime Forum

Map of the Week – EU4Ocean: Coordinating Action for More Impact!

This map shows the members of the three communities of the EU4Ocean Coalition dedicated to Ocean Literacy: the EU4Ocean Platform, the Young Ocean Advocates within the Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools. 

Members of the EU4Ocean Coalition across Europe and beyond are working together, assembling complementary expertise and experience.

The European Researchers’ Night -  the largest science outreach event in Europe - is happening today! Universities and research institutes across Europe are opening their doors and sharing their work through presentations, experiments, games, discussions and other interactive formats. It’s your chance to go behind the scenes, meet researchers from your area and discover how the seemingly abstract world of science is affecting your everyday life. It could also be a great opportunity to learn more about the ocean.

Speaking of better connecting to the ocean, on 18 September 2024, the EU4Ocean Coalition hosted an engaging online gathering, bringing together members of the EU4Ocean Platform and the Youth4Ocean Forum to connect, network and cooperate on Ocean Literacy initiatives. 

As acknowledged in the Venice Declaration for Ocean Literacy in Action, the Ocean Literacy movement has evolved significantly in the past years, growing from a school-based ocean science initiative into a dynamic global community that recognises the ocean’s critical role in our future. The EU4Ocean Coalition, the European hub for Ocean Literacy, is key in advancing the Ocean Literacy movement, bringing together organisations, experts from a wide diversity of activities, young people and schools from all over Europe to share knowledge, experience and ideas and to co-develop new initiatives. The EU4Ocean Coalition is composed of three communities: the EU4Ocean Platform, which includes research institutes, NGOs, associations, companies, networks, researchers, communication specialists and artists engaged in Ocean Literacy efforts; the Youth4Ocean Forum, aimed at young people aged 16-30 years old; and the Network of European Blue Schools, which works to bring ocean education in schools across Europe. Since its launch in 2020, the EU4Ocean Coalition has grown significantly, now boasting over 1,000 members. The EU4Ocean Platform now gathers over 180 members. The Youth4Ocean Forum includes more than 440 members. The Network of European Blue Schools comprises over 560 schools. The EU4Ocean Coalition has been very active over the past months. It participated in over 14 events since December 2023, reaching an audience of more than 20,000 people.

Explore this week’s Map of the Week to discover who the members of the EU4Ocean Coalition are and the impactful work they do! Click on the pieces of the puzzles to get further information. 

During last week’s online gathering, the EU4Ocean Coalition organised three interactive sessions. The EU4Ocean Platform meeting allowed members to reflect on past activities and to explore new avenues for cooperation. A networking session was then attended by members of the Youth4Ocean Forum and the EU4Ocean Platform. Young Ocean Advocates presented their innovative projects and all participants learned about the opportunities within the Youth4Ocean Mentorship Programme. The Youth4Ocean Forum General Assembly focused on inspiring presentations, lively discussions and collaborative action planning. Overall, the online gathering strengthened the links between the EU4Ocean Platform and the Youth4Ocean Forum and led to the identification of many new opportunities for cooperation. 

This week, on 26 September 2024, EurOcean hosted their second webinar of the series ‘Where Ocean Literacy meets EU Business” dedicated to the Aquafood Industry. The recording of this webinar will soon be available on EurOcean Youtube Channel.

Interested in joining the EU4Ocean Coalition and collaborating on upcoming events and initiatives? Visit the dedicated websites to explore the objectives and activities of the EU4Ocean Platform, the Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools and find out how you can join them!

Will you be in Brussels next week? Join the EU4Ocean Coalition on 3 October 2024 for the workshop titled “Be a Blue Citizen - Inclusive Ocean Literacy and Democracy in Motion”. This workshop will spotlight the challenges faced by youth as well as vulnerable and marginalised groups, exploring how ocean knowledge, management, and policy-making can be made more accessible and inclusive for all. Register now to participate! 


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The data in this map are provided by the EU4Ocean Platform, the Youth4Ocean Forum and the Network of European Blue Schools.