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Maritime Forum

Maritime Security


Maritime security is vital to the EU and to its Member States. Together, the EU’s Member States form the largest combined exclusive economic zone in the world. The EU economy depends greatly on safe and secure oceans: over 80% of global trade is seaborne, about two-thirds of the world’s oil and gas supply is either extracted at sea or transported by sea, and up to 99% of global data flows are transmitted through undersea cables. To ensure effective ocean governance, to protect our oceans and seabeds, and to unlock the full potential of the sustainable blue economy, the global maritime domain should be secure. 

The EU Maritime Security Strategy (EUMSS), revised in October 2023, provides the framework for the EU to take further action to protect its interests, its citizens, and economic activities at sea. The strategy ensures that the EU has a wide range of effective tools at its disposal to address new and evolving security threats and challenges, including growing strategic competition for power and resources in the sea basins around the EU and beyond, degradation of the marine environment, as well as attacks targeting critical maritime infrastructure. 

The revised strategy builds on the original strategy of 2014, the Joint Communication of the Commission and EEAS (March 2023), and extensive input of the Member States. It was approved by the Council in October 2023. The actions comprised in the EUMSS action plan are being implemented on a voluntary basis by MS, EEAS, COM and Agencies. 


  • protect EU interests at sea - citizens, economy, infrastructure, and borders
  • protect our natural resources and the marine environment
  • uphold international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
  • react promptly and effectively to growing threats (e.g., cyber and hybrid threats)
  • ensure relevant training and education to counter threats (e.g., cyber skills)

The EUMSS action plan comprises about 160 actions to be implemented on a voluntary basis by MS, EEAS, Commission and EU Agencies. These actions are divided into six chapters


  1. Step up activities at sea 

organise an annual naval exercise at EU level 

reinforce existing EU naval operations 

develop further coastguard in sea basins around the EU 

expand the Coordinated Maritime Presences concept to new maritime areas of interest 

  1. Cooperate with partners 

deepen EU-NATO cooperation 

enhance partnerships with likeminded countries, regional and international organisations 

deploy EU liaison officers to maritime information centres in non-EU countries 

promote dialogue and best practices through the coast guard function forums 

  1. Enhance maritime domain situational awareness 

strengthen the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) and MARSUR 

reinforce coastal and offshore patrol vessel surveillance 

  1. Manage risks and threats 

conduct regular live maritime exercises involving civil and military entities 

monitor and protect critical maritime infrastructure and ships from physical and cyber threats 

tackle unexploded ordnance and mines at sea 

develop further awareness and preparedness to tackle threats linked to climate change and environmental degradation 

  1. Boost capabilities 

develop common requirements and concepts for defence technologies in the maritime domain 

step up work on projects such as the European Patrol Corvette or improving anti-submarine capabilities 

  1. Educate and train 

boost hybrid and cyber security qualifications notably on the civilian side 

conduct training and joint exercises open to non-EU partners 

Next steps

Three years after the strategy is endorsed by the Council (i.e. by October 2026), the Commission and the High Representative will submit to the Council a joint progress report with contributions from the Member States.