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- What is the main litter material found on beaches in Europe?
- Can you find a beach where another material is the main source of litter?
- In which country is it located? (Hint: Click on the graph)
- What is the name of the beach?
- What is the main litter material in this case?
- What does the size of the plastic bags represent in the map? (Hint: Look at the legend of the map)
- What are the impacts of plastic pollution? (Hint: Read the description of the map in i under map layer)
- Look at the map layer on beach clean-up events and click on one of the Smurf icon representing a beach clean-up event. When did this event take place? How much waste was collected?
- To prevent plastic pollution on beaches and at sea, we can all find solutions every day at home and at school. Can you give examples of what you can do?