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Maritime Forum

Matteo Bravo

Climate change
Marine biology & biodiversity
Marine conservation
Marine education
Marine Protected Areas
Marine resources management
Scuba diving & snorkelling
Writing (fiction, drama, poetry, etc.)

Adaptability; Collaboration and team work; Research ethics and regulations; Leadership; Scientific writing; Attention to detail; Planning; Time management; Critical thinking; Problem-solving; Data interpretation and visualization; Statistical analysis; Literature review; Video making; Photography; Education; Teaching;

I'm Matteo, a marine biologist with an insatiable curiosity for the ocean and its incredible inhabitants (especially for corals!). My journey began with a coral restoration workshop in the Maldives in 2019, and ever since, I've been totally captivated by the majesty of these ecosystems. Driven by my passion, I studied for my master's degree in marine biology and I conducted two different research. The first project was about sulfide-oxidizing bacteria which enhance the restoration success of the black mangrove on Bonaire. It turned out great and I presented the results at two restoration workshops. The second project was on the growth rates of different coral species in the Colombian Caribbean. In the meantime, I worked with “The Oceancy”, an NGO dedicated to marine conservation. As a biologist and video maker, I had the chance to learn more about sustainable tourism, teach marine biology lessons to dive shops and evaluate the sustainability practices of a dive shop in Italy. It was during that period that I learned the importance of engaging with people and communities to drive meaningful change. I also had the opportunity to visit Guatemala for a forest restoration project, based on collecting stories from indigenous communities on how climate change is affecting their lives. All these experiences have shaped my perspective and fueled my commitment to marine conservation. That’s why I think that joining your team would be a fantastic opportunity to share my passion, work alongside like-minded individuals, and contribute to meaningful conservation efforts.