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Maritime Forum

Milena Scicluna Bartoli

Fishing & aquaculture
Marine biology & biodiversity
Marine conservation
Marine innovation and R&D
Marine pollution
Marine resources management

My skills which are: communication; public speaking; creative writing; translation; video making; photography; empathy; problem solving; conflict resolution; creativity.

My name is Milena. I am a student in Malta currently studying for my O-levels (GCSE'S). From a young age I have been surrounded by a vast, expanse of sea and this really fuelled my love and passion for the marine environment. I am especially interested in becoming an elasmanbranchologist and reducing finning which is a major issue and if not solved will have grave consequences in all marine food chains. Last summer, I voluntarily attended an internship at the Malta National Aquarium which partnered with Sharklab a NGO whose main aim is to raise awareness on finning. Another area of interest is decreasing plastic pollution, through my engagement with local fisherman, it is a serious problem. Currently, my idea deals with linking economics with biology. My idea revolves around finding a profitable yet environmentally friendly substitute for packaging by using the waste created from the tuna industry in Malta. Although my idea is just a concept for now, I am adamant to make it come to life. I strongly believe that the health of our oceans and seas is vital to ensure a healthy human race. The battle between an advance in technology and ensuring the protection of our ecosystems is raging and I am convinced that if everyone does their bit our marine environments will improve significantly. A lot needs to change both economically and socially, for this breakthrough to be reached. Although, this may look very bleak, I believe that we can make a difference and bring our beautiful and powerful underwater environment back, but we need to work together!