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Maritime Forum

Artash Nath

Science communication
Marine pollution
Marine biology & biodiversity
Climate change

Big data analysis, Bridging research with policy, machine learning, algorithms, technology for good, outreach.

I am an explorer and a high school student. I like to explore the depth of oceans to the furthest exoplanets using big data, algorithms, and science. For the past few years, I have been working on monitoring ocean noise levels in the global oceans due to yearly increases in anthropogenic activities such as marine shipping, ocean tourism, offshore energy exploration, and deep-sea mining. I used COVID-19 lockdown restrictions as an opportunity to measure the silence of global oceans by analyzing 20 years of cumulative hydrophone data from ocean observatories in the Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea. I have made the entire methodology and algorithm open source to crowdsource annual ocean noise monitoring to more youngsters around the globe. I plan to extend my work to acoustic identification of sounds of marine mammals to automate the census of keystone marine mammals.