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Maritime Forum

Sylwia Łyskawka

Water quality
Science communication
Renewable energy at sea
Ocean Governance
Marine resources management
Marine Protected Areas
Marine pollution
Marine education
Marine conservation
Marine biology & biodiversity
Climate change

Project management; Public speaking; Social media communication; Research; Data Analysis; Video production; Leadership; Report writing; Diplomacy; Time management; Critical thinking; Problem Solving

I am a graduate from the University of Southampton with BSc diploma in Marine Biology with Oceanography. Although I was interested in marine issues long before the university, while volunteering in an aquarium, coming from a landlocked city my first hands-on experience with the ocean started in England. During my studies I was involved in various activities, helping in the Deep Sea Laboratory at the National Oceanographic Centre in Southampton, amongst others. I also participated in scientific conferences at the University of Oxford and the University of Bremen, promoting results of my dissertation on jellyfish biomarkers and sewage discharge.Currently I work for the United Nations Global Compact Network Poland, developing projects on climate education and the Baltic Sea. Recently we have published a report "Baltic for All", showcasing that we are all responsible for the state of our sea. Additionally, we launched a series of discussions on the state of the Baltic, where I had a chance to share my thoughts on ocean literacy and marine innovations in Poland as one of the panelists. Besides professional involvement in the Baltic-related projects, I am the President of the Youth Climate Council Poland, leading a group of 26 young people advising the Polish Minister of Climate and Environment on climate related politics and legislation. I also represent the Youth Climate Dialogue during the debates of the Round Table on Climate Education, Poland. Lastly, I am a member of the national council advising the President of Poland on youth-related issues, including climate change.