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Maritime Forum

Federico Andrea Morisio

Visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, filmmaking, sculpting, etc.)
Tourism & coastal cities
Science communication
Renewable energy at sea
Ocean Governance
Marine pollution
Marine education
Climate change

Communication; Digital Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Networking; Emotional Intelligence; Video Making; Editing; Social Media Management; Leadership; Photography; Project Management; Motivational Speeches; Public Speaking; Resiliency; Positive Attitude; Adaptability; Project Planning; Strategic Thinking; Commitment; Initiative; Self Disciplined; Goal Focused

I'm an Italian Professional Windsurfer, ranked 4th in the International Windsurfing Tour and I travel all year long to compete. In 2019, Marevivo Onlus one of Italy's biggest NGO, nominated me their Ambassador. Lately I've also been nominated "Champion for the Starfish Mission" from the European Commission, as part of the Starfish Mission. Thanks to my passion for windsurfing I'm extremely close and connected to the Ocean, and it has become one of my biggest purposes in life to protect them, by educating, inspiring and influencing people to have more sustainable lifestyles and create a stronger connection with nature. I want to change our culture, the way our society thinks and acts towards the Ocean and the environment. I like to walk the talk, that's why I became vegan 1 year ago and I'm a really conscious consumer. Together with my partner Starboard Windsurfing I'm working to become a Carbon Neutral Athlete, compensating all my emissions, with the goal to lead the way in sports and for athletes all over the world. I'm a great communicator, I believe in the power of people, I have strong emotional intelligence, I love to bring people together in order to create stronger collaborations that can lead to a bigger positive impact, and overall, I love to lead by example, doing myself what's needed to change and then inspire others. I feel lucky to know my purpose and I know this could be a great opportunity to share knowledge, passion and love for the Ocean in order to protect it, respect it and make it thrive by influencing our society's habits and mentality.