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Maritime Forum

María Fernández Míguez

Visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, filmmaking, sculpting, etc.)
Science communication
Marine conservation
Marine biology & biodiversity
Fishing & aquaculture

Event organisation; Project management; Communication; Public speaking; Networking; Research; Web management; Web design; Leadership; Photography; Teaching.

Hi there! My name is María and I graduated from University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, in 2011 with a B.A in Biology. Early seeking for a starting collaboration in academic laboratories got me involved in a research project on the taxonomy of Terrestrial Gastropoda from University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) which gave me solid principles to continue in science. Afterwards, I did a Master’s degree in Aquaculture at the same university and my MSc dissertation project was titled ‘Comprehensive phylogeny of the genus Merluccius for its commercial traceability’. This project encouraged me to deepen in phylogenetic methods, population genetics of hakes and hake aquaculture. I am currently living in Vigo, Spain, where I am doing my doctoral thesis in molecular tools applied to aquaculture and fisheries improvement. I am particularly interested in the areas such as gene expression, stocks management and climate change in the aquaculture industry! My experience also includes teaching at the university and given talks or organise event for young population. I define myself as a person with strong commitment to science and the dissemination of knowledge.