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Maritime Forum

"MARATHON: marine research told in 8 minutes"

Stage of project
Stage 4: Growth
Sea basin regions
Atlantic Ocean (including North Sea)
Healthy and clean ocean
Climate and the ocean
Arts: work or artistic expression relating to the ocean - visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, filmmaking, sculpting, etc.), literature (fiction, drama, poetry) and performing arts (dance, music, theatre)

The Laboratory of Marine Genetic Resources and the Marine Research Center of the University of Vigo organized the first marine dissemination contest "MARATHON: marine research in 8 minutes", in which researchers and students will present small papers on their work to an open public in a bar in Vigo. Participants must capture the public's attention in a very short time, as they will have only 8 minutes to present their work and its application to an open audience. Since it will be the public that will vote for the best disseminator, the capacity of synthesis and clarity of the participants will be valued, as well as their ability to transmit the implications of the works exposed in their daily life.