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News article20 February 2024Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

News: Dive into the green wave with EU4Algae's initiative to increase awareness and acceptance of algae!

EU4Algae is undergoing an initiative to engage consumers, spread and foster awareness, and inspire eco-conscious living. Let’s look back at what’s been done so far. 

As a unique space for collaboration among European algae stakeholders, and act as a single information hub on the algae sector, EU4Algae is not just about showcasing the promise of algae-based products but is also committed to delving into the environmental and health impacts. Through dedicated working groups, the initiative aims to identify and overcome obstacles to fostering the thriving algae industry in Europe. 


As concerns over fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation mount, the spotlight is on biofuels and biomaterials, which have gained momentum. Algae-based polymers emerge as a versatile solution with applications ranging far and wide. 


But it doesn't stop there. Algae-based animal feed holds promise in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and addressing the environmental toll of conventional livestock farming, all while bolstering global food security. 


About algae for food, a recent report by EIT Food published in 2022, “Creating consumer demand for food from algae”, sheds light on consumer perceptions. They analysed 111 consumers from 18 different countries to obtain insights on how consumers perceive algae as a step towards achieving a healthier, more sustainable food system. 

Conclusions of this study showed that only a small number of participants were familiar with algae as a dietary supplement for better health. The fact that they are not animal-based products and are not associated with highly processed foods, proved that algae can be sustainable. 

Participants were also unaware of the benefits associated with algae production, with only three referring to the ability of algae to absorb CO2 and produce O2. 


Which brings us to the Novel Food status Catalogue that is now a compass guiding the fate of products in the EU food market. Wondering what makes it tick? This tool is the gatekeeper, determining whether a product, especially those labeled "novel," can make its mark or needs EU authorization. The key? A rigorous safety assessment. 

The Catalogue has over 60 entries, featuring a diverse array of microalgae, seaweed whole biomass, and their derived extracts and oils. 


Enter EU4Algae's initiative to increase awareness and acceptance of algae among consumers, set to shake up perceptions and ignite enthusiasm for algae consumption. The efforts for this started in 2023 at the EU Open Door’s Day in May with an interview with the Belgian seaweed chef Donal Deschagt

An interview series named ‘Algae 101’ also kicked off in line with this campaign, with video interviews featuring Monique Ras, Scientific Adviser at EABA, Simon Johansson from Nordic Seafarm, Maria Barbosa, Professor at Wageningen University, and Jean-Paul Cadoret, Chief Scientific Officer at ALGAMA

A pilot quiz was also launched at the EU Algae Awareness Summit in October 2023, to help set the stage for a transformative journey and know more about the level of consumer’s algae-related knowledge and preferences for algae products. 


Get ready to dive in and join the movement! 

Stay tuned as we continue these efforts in 2024 and invite you to join EU4Algae in spreading the word and promoting awareness about the incredible benefits of algae products for both human health and the environment. 


Additional information 

Join the #EU4Algae conversation and don’t forget to keep an eye on the EU4Algae Forum to stay updated and learn more about the ongoing activities, initiatives and updates on the development of the EU4Algae Forum online.   

To contact us, please use the following email: contactateu4algae [dot] eu (contact[at]eu4algae[dot]eu)



Publication date
20 February 2024
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries