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News article10 May 2024Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries4 min read

EU4Algae – Interview Spotlight: Meet Founder & CEO Inés Carballo Tomé of company Aitana Espirulina which produces high-quality artisanal spirulina

We had the opportunity to talk with Inés Carballo Tomé about her professional journey and get some insights about her thoughts on the future. 

In the scope of increasing awareness and acceptance of algae, we spoke with Founder and CEO Inés Carballo Tomé regarding her professional journey and how she created the Spanish-based company Aitana Espirulina that produces high-quality artisanal spirulina cultivated between the Mediterranean Sea and the mountains of Alicante. Keep reading to learn what she had to say, and what she shared with us about her predictions about the future of the algae industry. 


1. Can you share a bit about your background from being a marine biologist to becoming an entrepreneur in the algae industry, and how that inspired you to be where you are today? 

After graduating as a Marine Biologist, I started working in research with microalgae at a private company. It never crossed my mind to start my own business until I came across spirulina. That drew inspiration and motivation to start developing my project and also have it well aligned with my values – something which is very important to me. 



2. What challenges did you face during your career and when starting Aitana Espirulina, and how did you address them? 

Creating Aitana Espirulina was very challenging. The whole bureaucratic part, business development, marketing, as well as other aspects of starting a business. I had to take several courses, go through a business accelerator, and dedicate a lot of effort to make it happen. I needed a completely different mindset than the one I was used to as a researcher. Even now, I still have mentors and coaches who help me address the challenges that might appear in this entrepreneurial journey. 


3. What inspired you to start Aitana Espirulina, and what sets your company apart from others in the algae industry? 

Again, the values. I wanted to make a product that I would choose as a consumer. The spirulina produced by Aitana Espirulina is safe, tastes good and I can even give it to my baby. Ultimately, trustworthy companies and honest products are important things to be able to have, and that is something we live by in the work that we do. 



4. In what ways do you ensure sustainability and environmental responsibility in your spirulina production process? 

Sustainability is part of our core values. We use treated rainwater and solar energy and also try to use as little plastic as possible. I prefer to go for short marketing chains and our packaging is compostable. Moreover, we reuse water and nutrients as much as possible, creating synergies between the spirulina farm and the organic olive grove in which it is located. 


5. Tell us how the work you are developing at Aitana Espirulina is contributing to public and consumer awareness regarding algae products and the algae industry and enhancing the visibility and marketability of those products across various industries. 

The main impact on consumers is about closeness. Consumers no longer have that passive role of someone who goes to the supermarket. They come, they see the farm, they see my content and Aitana’s Espirulina’s content on social media; this enables them to learn about the product, but also put a face to it. This process helps them stop thinking that spirulina is a powder that comes in a package and positively contributes to their knowledge and value of the product. 


6. From your perspective, what opportunities do you see for growth and innovation within the algae industry, and how is your company positioned to capitalise on them? 

The microalgae sector is the future. Its versatility makes the applications endless. Microalgae can be used in food, but also in cosmetics and medicine. Despite being a growing market, we must be responsible for guiding it hand in hand with sustainability. 



7. As Founder and CEO of Aitana Espirulina, how do you envision the future impact of your work and your company in shaping public perception and understanding of algae and the continued development of the algae industry as a whole? Can you discuss any exciting projects or developments that Aitana Spirulina is currently working on or planning for the future? 

My farm is small, but I want it to be an example and a reference for others. Innovation involves being able to stand out in terms of quality, but also in how you use biotechnology to optimise processes and obtain extracts. That is precisely what we do at Pleiades Innovation, a company that I founded together with my partner, Gaston Parise. We create unique mixtures of extracts, not only from microalgae but from other Mediterranean species focused on functional nutrition. 



Additional information     

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