Evaluation of Integrated Maritime Policy work programme 2011-2012 Objective (a) to foster the development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coa - European Commission Skip to main content
Maritime Forum

Evaluation of Integrated Maritime Policy work programme 2011-2012 Objective (a) to foster the development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coa

summary of projects

Evaluation of Integrated Maritime Policy work programme 2011-2012

Objective (a) to foster the development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coastal affairs

A summary of projects funded to achieve this objective

Development and implementation of integrated governance of maritime and coastal affairs and visibility of the integrated maritime policy





Adriatic Ionian launching event-Croatia-06/12/12



Zagreb (Administrative Report and Conclusions)

conference - best practice for cross-border maritime spatial planning



didn't take place

conference - blue growth in Adriatic Ionian



Brussels (Administrative Report)

conference - blue growth, sustainability and water industries - Copenhagen



Final report Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries and Conclusions Baltic Sea Conference 2013 – Blue Growth, Sustainability and Water Industries

conference - fisheries and aquaculture - Lithuania



Final report - MSP and fisheries - Vilnius

conference - maritime zones



didn't take place (costs incurred -

  • 3 SEPTEMBER 2014


conference - shipping and maritime spatial planning -Greece



Final report - MSP and shipping - Athens

conference - tourism and maritime spatial planning- Italy



Will take place on 27 November 2014 - will be financed by EMFF Work Programme 2014

conferences - Atlantic forum



Horta, (coastal and deep-sea natural resources),Brest (low carbon economy),Bilbao (planning and climate change), Cardiff(tourism and employment), Cork (research and Atlantic ports)

European Atlas of the Seas




European Coastguard Forum 2012



Dublin (Administrative Report and Conclusions)

European Coastguard Forum 2013



Chios (Administrative Report and Conclusions)

maritime forum




workshop - blue growth in Mediterranean Spain



Palma de Mallorca (Administrative Report)

workshop - maritime spatial planning Ireland



Final report - MSP and energy - Dublin

work done on other objectives
