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EMODnet - Final reports Phase 2

Summer 2016 marks the end of phase 2 of EMODnet. Complete mapping of European seabed is now available together with more and more data on the physics, chemistry and biology of the water column and human activity acting upon the sea and marine life...

The EMODnet thematic lot contractors covering seven disciplines are delivering their draft final reports. The Commission services and the EMODnet Secretariat have provided comments which will be reflected in revised versions.

EMODnet Bathymetry

The EMODnet Bathymetry project has taken place from June 2013 till end September 2016 and has successfully worked on:

  • a continuation and upgrading of the earlier portal services
  • a geographical extension, achieving a full European coverage of sea basins
  • a refinement of the EMODnet Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for the bathymetry of the European seas by upscaling the resolution from ¼ minute * ¼ minute to 1/8 minute * 1/8 minute in a series of releases.

The work has been undertaken by a consortium consisting of organisations from marine science, the hydrographic survey community, and industry. The partners combine expertise and experiences of collecting, processing, and managing of bathymetric data together with expertise in distributed data infrastructure development and operation and providing of discovery, access and viewing services following INSPIRE implementation rules and international standards (ISO, OGC). In total 24 organisations have participated from the start of the project, while during the project 7 additional organisations have joined the consortium. This includes representatives of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Ocean (GEBCO) and the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC). The consortium has thus more than doubled in size compared to the original group of 14 organisations that had previously undertaken the EMODnet Hydrography and EMODnet Seabed Mapping projects


portal draft final report

EMODnet Geology

Assessment of all seabed-substrate information available at 1:250,000 scale and the compilation of information at 1:1 million scale where the higher resolution information is not available; Assessment of pre-Quaternary geology and the start of compilations of Quaternary information, and agreement on geomorphological information that should be included in the EMODnet-Geology outputs; The development of guidelines for coastal behaviour information and the update of the EUROSION information for about 50% of the European coast


portal geology final report

EMODnet Physics

Data from drifting buoys, ferryboxes, gliders, fixed platforms, profiling floats, Argo floats and radar. Number of platforms connected greatly increased during this second phase. Cuts in national budgets means some time series have been broken - particularly in Mediterranean. Strong connection with Copernicus marine service


portal final report on physics

EMODnet Seabed Habitats

The broad‐scale map, EUSeaMap, created by this project now covers all European basins from the Barents Sea to Macaronesia and to the Black Sea. By harmonising mapping procedures ‐ based on the EUNIS classification ‐ and fostering a common understanding among seabed mappers in Europe, EUSeaMap provides today the community with a comprehensive, free and ready‐to‐use map that can find applications at regional scale for management and conservation issues.


portal draft final report on seabed habitats

EMODnet Chemistry

First example of viewing and downloading service giving access at EU scale to concentration maps for nutrients (ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate), dissolved oxygen, silicates and chlorophyll produced with DIVA (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis) averaging over a 10-year moving window at seasonal scale and aggregated and harmonized eutrophication, contaminant and acidity datasets


portal draft final report on chemistry annex to draft final report on chemistry

EMODnet Biology

Benthos is the most searched group of species followed by mammals


portal final report

EMODnet Human Activity

Providing reference maps of ocean energy, aquaculture etc. Much interest in cultural heritage. Interesting experience with INSPIRE Directive.


portal final report on human activities

Previous year's reports