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Maritime Forum

Draft report on deep sea mining

covers geological, legal, economic, technological and environmental issues as well as an overview of ongoing and planed activity

This is a draft copy. The final version is here

This report gives an overview on the current and latest state of knowledge of deep-sea mining, with a focus on the potential from a geological perspective, the relevant technologies, the economic viability, environmental implications, the legal regime under which seabed mining operates, and an inventory of ongoing exploration and exploitation projects.

The report is based on an extensive desk-based research, literature review, interviews with stakeholders and expert workshops. We would like to express our sincere thanks to all who have contributed to this study. The study is not aimed to produce new knowledge or innovations but rather to bring together all available information and data currently present on the matter.

The main report presents the overall findings in a coherent storyline. Detailed information on the various aspects of deep-sea mining as well as more detailed description of underlying data and figures is presented in of the annexes attached.

It should be noted that this study has been carried out by an independent team of consultants and researchers and that the report represents the views of the consultant, which do not necessarily coincide with those of the Commission.


annex 1 geology

annex 2 legal issues

annex 3 economics - supply and demand and simplified model

annex 4 technology

annex 5 ongoing and planned activity

annex 6 environmental issues

how comments on previous versions from services of the Commission were deal with (maritime affairs and fisheries, environment)

  • 18 SEPTEMBER 2014