This study on the Blue Growth potential in the Atlantic Arc is one of four sea-basin studies commissioned by DG MARE. The aim of the study is to examine in closer detail the individual development patterns of the maritime industries within the European Union and their prospects for future development. Within the framework of this present study we have evaluated the state of play and growth potential of five countries: France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom, bordering the Atlantic Arc. Some of these countries border several sea-basins. For those countries where this is the case this report focuses on the activities that are relevant for the Atlantic se basin. In this sense it deviates from the country fiches which describe maritime economic activities primarily at a country level, although the country reports also include an allocation of activities to sea-basins. |
Annexes on method used, innovation indicators and input-output analysis (for UK and Spain)
and annexes for France, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and UK (considering all coastal economy - not only Atlantic)
Information on other sea basins can be found here