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Maritime Forum

European Young Ocean Advocate - Project Submission Form

Please fill out this form to submit your project. If it is accepted, you will become a European Young Ocean Advocate!

If you have any problems with filling out the form, send us an email at

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Personal information

If your project is selected, an article about you will be published on the Youth4Ocean Forum website.
The information you submit here will be used for this article.
Please note that if the project is being developed by a team, only one person can submit the application and add the names of other team members to the project article at a later stage. 
If the project is accepted, all project members will become Young Ocean Advocates after completing their personal information.
only for internal use, in case we need to contact you
format: +[country code][number]

Coordinates of the city

Accepted European Young Ocean Advocates will be featured in an interactive map. You can use online tools to find your coordinates, e.g.
Correct format: 0.000000 between -90.000000 and 90.00000
Correct format 0.000000 between -180.000000 and 180.00000
Please describe yourself and your activities in a short paragraph (minimum 400 characters, maximum 1600 characters including spaces).
For example, you can describe topics that are especially important to you or projects that you have carried out in the past or are currently working on, and show how motivated you are to make a change for the Ocean. You can also add your school/university diploma(s) and professional experience in link to the Youth4Ocean Forum topics and activities.
The paragraph will later be shown in your profile on the website.
Please describe your skills using key words separated by semi-colons, e.g.: Event organisation; Project management; Communication; Public speaking; Advocacy; Networking; Research; Creative writing; Graphic design; Community management; Video making; Web management; Web design; Leadership; Photography; Translation; Teaching; etc. (maximum 400 characters including spaces).

Project information

If your project is selected, the information you submit here will be used for an article that will be published on the Youth4Ocean Forum website.

Coordinates of the city

Successful projects will be featured in an interactive map. You can use online tools to find your project coordinates, e.g. If your project is carried out in more than location, please list them and their GPS coordinates in the project description below.
You can use online tools to find your coordinates, i.e.
Correct format: 0.000000 between -90.000000 and 90.00000
Correct format 0.000000 between -180.000000 and 180.00000
tick all that apply
700 characters minimum, 1500 characters maximum including spaces
350 characters maximum including spaces
Are there other team members involved in the project? You can enter their names and e-mail addresses here. Your team members will have the opportunity to create an EU Young Ocean Advocate profile on the website.

Other information

How did you hear about this call for project?

Relevant URLs

I would like to receive further information on activities of the EU4Ocean coalition, which includes the EU4Ocean Platform and the Network of European Blue Schools