YOUMARES'14 is on the horizon! - European Commission Skip to main content
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YOUMARES'14 is on the horizon!

Scheduled to unfold on 15-17 May2024, aboard the historic Cap San Diego, the 14th Conference for YOUMARES promises to be a significant gathering for both marine researchers and enthusiasts alike.

YOUng MArine RESearchers
Prepared by Deniz Vural, sourced from Unsplash

By meticulously evaluating scientific reports, orchestrating ocean-centric events and outreach activities, and harnessing technology, early career researchers play a pivotal role not only in comprehending and tackling the ever-evolving challenges but also in exploring potential solutions within the aquatic realms of our planet.

In light of this, the YOUng MArine RESearchers (YOUMARES) emerges as a dynamic platform that brings together early-career marine researchers, industry professionals, and thought leaders. Organized entirely by passionate volunteers, YOUMARES has evolved from a modest networking event into a global conference, drawing young researchers from diverse countries.

Scheduled to unfold on 15-17 May 2024, aboard the historic Cap San Diego, the 14th Conference for YOUMARES promises to be a significant gathering for both marine researchers and enthusiasts alike.

The vibrant program is designed to immerse fellow marine enthusiasts in compelling talks, workshops, networking opportunities, and exciting side events, all set against the backdrop of a rich and collaborative atmosphere.

This is your opportunity to engage in discussions on the latest trends and research in marine science and conservation, connect with like-minded individuals, and make waves in the marine community.

Register now via the dedicated link.
Submit your abstract using the online form.
Deadline for abstract submissions: 29 March 2024

If you're interested in supporting YOUMARES, have a look at the information paper

For YOUMARES' communication channels, please check the dedicated webpage.

The YOUMARES Organizing Committee eagerly anticipates welcoming you to Hamburg!