Author | Title |
Knowler et al. | The economics of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: where are we now and where do we need to go? |
Danish et al. | A Forefront Framework for Sustainable Aquaponics Modeling and Design |
Duarte et al. | A seaweed aquaculture imperative to meet global sustainability targets |
Alonso et al. | Assessing the impact of bivalve aquaculture on the carbon circular economy |
Kaminski et al. | A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development |
Ahmed and Turchini | Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS): Environmental solution and climate change adaptation |
M. Barange, et al. | Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options |
C. Boyd, et al. | Achieving sustainable aquaculture: Historical and current perspectives and future needs and challenges |
M. Troell, et al. | Aquaculture and Energy Use |
Q. Jiang, et al. | Environmental sustainability and footprints of global aquaculture |
B.Samuel-Fitwi, et al. | Sustainability assessment tools to support aquaculture development |
K. Kant Yadava, et al. | Carbon Footprint of the Aquaculture and Mitigation Strategies |
R J. Alice, et al. | Climate-Friendly Seafood: The Potential for Emissions Reduction and Carbon Capture in Marine Aquaculture |
K. Marija, et al. | Environmental and economic assessment of mariculture systems using a high share of renewable energy sources |
S. Gorjian, et al. | Solar Energy Advancements in Agriculture and Food Production Systems. Chapter 12 - Emerging applications of solar energy in agriculture and aquaculture systems |
S. Frederik | Energy transition in the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector |
R. Zhang | Systems approaches for sustainable fisheries: A comprehensive review and future perspectives |
K. Marija | Electrification of fishing vessels and their integration into isolated energy systems with a high share of renewables |
BlueFarm, et al | Techno-economic analysis for the energy transition of the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector |
Diken, G. et al | Would dependency on fossil fuels affect food security and sustainable production in aquaculture? Cultural energy use and energy use efficiency for earthen pond European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) production |
Guillen, J. et al | Economic Impact of High Fuel Prices on the EU Fishing Fleet |
Alzahrani, A. et al | Developing Smart Energy Communities around Fishery Ports: Toward Zero-Carbon Fishery Ports |
Imani, M. et al | Aquavoltaics Feasibility Assessment: Synergies of Solar PV Power Generation and Aquaculture Production |
C.I.M. Martins et al | New developments in recirculating aquaculture systems in Europe: A perspective on environmental sustainability |
K. Si Mohammed et al | Assessing the effect of the aquaculture industry, renewable energy, blue R&D, and maritime transport on GHG emissions in Ireland and Norway |