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Maritime Forum

Scientific publications


Knowler et al. The economics of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: where are we now and where do we need to go?
Danish et al.A Forefront Framework for Sustainable Aquaponics Modeling and Design
Duarte et al.A seaweed aquaculture imperative to meet global sustainability targets
Alonso et al.Assessing the impact of bivalve aquaculture on the carbon circular economy
Kaminski et al. A review of inclusive business models and their application in aquaculture development
Ahmed and TurchiniRecirculating aquaculture systems (RAS): Environmental solution and climate change adaptation
M. Barange, et al. Impacts of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture: synthesis of current knowledge, adaptation and mitigation options
C. Boyd, et al. Achieving sustainable aquaculture: Historical and current perspectives and future needs and challenges
M. Troell, et al.Aquaculture and Energy Use
Q. Jiang, et al.Environmental sustainability and footprints of global aquaculture
B.Samuel-Fitwi, et al.Sustainability assessment tools to support aquaculture development
K. Kant Yadava, et al.Carbon Footprint of the Aquaculture and Mitigation Strategies
R J. Alice, et al. Climate-Friendly Seafood: The Potential for Emissions Reduction and Carbon Capture in Marine Aquaculture
K. Marija, et al.Environmental and economic assessment of mariculture systems using a high share of renewable energy sources
S. Gorjian, et al. Solar Energy Advancements in Agriculture and Food Production Systems. Chapter 12 - Emerging applications of solar energy in agriculture and aquaculture systems
S. FrederikEnergy transition in the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector
R. Zhang  Systems approaches for sustainable fisheries: A comprehensive review and future perspectives
K. MarijaElectrification of fishing vessels and their integration into isolated energy systems with a high share of renewables
BlueFarm, et alTechno-economic analysis for the energy transition of the EU fisheries and aquaculture sector
Diken, G. et alWould dependency on fossil fuels affect food security and sustainable production in aquaculture? Cultural energy use and energy use efficiency for earthen pond European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) production
Guillen, J. et alEconomic Impact of High Fuel Prices on the EU Fishing Fleet
Alzahrani, A. et alDeveloping Smart Energy Communities around Fishery Ports: Toward Zero-Carbon Fishery Ports
Imani, M. et alAquavoltaics Feasibility Assessment: Synergies of Solar PV Power Generation and Aquaculture Production
C.I.M. Martins et alNew developments in recirculating aquaculture systems in Europe: A perspective on environmental sustainability
K. Si Mohammed et alAssessing the effect of the aquaculture industry, renewable energy, blue R&D, and maritime transport on GHG emissions in Ireland and Norway