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Maritime Forum

Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO)

Fiona Beckman, Sophie Seeyave, Lilian Krug
United Kingdom
Type of member
Sea basin regions
Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean (including North Sea)
Baltic Sea
Black Sea
International (other sea-basins / ocean)
Mediterranean Sea
Climate and the ocean
Environmental domains
Main activities
Marine Science / Research

The Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) was founded in 1999 by directors of oceanographic institutions around the world as a forum to promote and advance the observation of the global ocean. POGO is a UK-registered charity with member institutions from around the world, and works closely with other international and regional programmes and organisations.POGO’s Mission is to:1. Lead innovation and development of the crucial components of the ocean observing system.2. Identify and contribute to the development of the key skills, capabilities and capacities needed to achieve the vision.3. Work with Governments, Foundations and Industry, to articulate the benefits to society and required funding to build and sustain the system. Our vision is to have by 2030, world-wide cooperation for a sustainable, state-of-the-art global ocean observing system that serves the needs of science and society.