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Maritime Forum

"Preserve the Mediterranean Blue"

School information

School name
CEIP Santa Maria del Mar
School year
Cala d'Or
Sea basin
Mediterranean Sea
Coastal: <20 km from the sea

Project information

Project name in native language
"Manté el mediterrani blau"
Starting date of the project
End date of the project
Level of education
Primary school
Project website
Project contact

Miquel Àngel Mestre Gomila

Healthy Ocean

CEIP Santa Maria del Mar is a primary School based in the coastal town of Cala d’Or in Mallorca (Spain) who is working with local organisations who are active in the Blue Economy, Sustainable tourism and coastal clean up events. Of particular importance to the teachers and students at the school, is to bring awareness to Mallorca's millions of visitors to become more environmentally responsible for their effect on the coastal environment so the blue economy can continue in a sustainable way.
The school is already working with the local council and 'The Clean Boating association´(A local NGO) on beach cleans and awareness campaigns.
This project application has the following objectives:
- To create awareness for students to know about the importance of the Mediterranean Sea in their local environment.
- To create understanding and awareness of the impact and results of human activities on the coastal environment.
- To learn about the local coastal marine ecosystem.
- To change the everyday behaviour of younger people to protect the marine environment.
- To help students disseminate and communicate their newly acquired knowledge to their families and social environments.

The project plans to carry out the following activities:
- Hands on events to create awareness of the impact and prevention of the plastic pollution problem.
- Organise field trips to learn more of the local coastal and marine environment
- Primary education curriculum programming will include more teaching and knowledge for the students regarding the local coastal environment and the importance of protecting it.