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Maritime Forum


Short description of the action

Recovering good water status in Pays de la Loire region

With the LIFE REVERS’EAU project, led by the Pays de la Loire Regional Council, a new momentum will boost the investments made over several years, to recover good status of watercourses in the region. How? By mobilising environmental stakeholders around this shared issue and by rolling out actions aimed at improving water quality and aquatic environments.

The LIFE REVERS’EAU project has a clear objective: to reach 37% of water bodies with good ecological status in Pays de la Loire region by 2027. To be successful, this project is relying on localised, individual actions, and collective actions in the regional area, but also between regions, nationally and Europe-wide ones

The three ambitions of the LIFE REVERS’EAU project:
1. MOBILISE AND RAISE AWARNESS to take better into account the goal ofrestoring good ecological status for water in the Pays de la Loire region and share the challenges. The objective is to bring together water stakeholders at the Pays de la Loire regional level, consolidate the momentum for action, improve the common understanding of the challenges between all the local stakeholders and test other ways of implementing actions in the different areas.
2. TAKE ACTION with respect to river basins. The objective is to facilitate actions to improve the resilience of rivers basins and to learn lessons. Those lessons can be used to disseminate the said actions and to reproduce those same actions region-wide and more generally in the Loire Bretagne basin by implementing tools, supporting stakeholders, conducting works and through plantations…
3. FURTHER KNOWLEDGE on key themes. The objective, with respect to certain subjects (sociology, hydrology etc.) is to broaden the knowledge to guide local strategies, especially with the perspective of climate change.

Name of organisation
Conseil régional Pays de la Loire
Type of organisation
Regional authority
Type of action proposed
Evidence-based knowledge and data and/or access provision to knowledge and data, in line with FAIR principles for the Mission Ocean and Waters Knowledge System
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

Agence de l’Eau Loire Bretagne; Université d’Angers; Chambre Régionale d’agriculture des Pays de la Loire; Communauté de communes Erdre et Gesvres; Syndicat Mixte de la Baie de Bourgneuf; Etablissement Public Territorial du Bassin de la Vilaine; Syndicat Mixte Vendée Sèvre Autizes; Le Mans Métropole; Conseil départemental de la Mayenne; Syndicat de bassin de l’Oudon;Département de Vendée; Etablissement Public Territorial du Bassin de la Sèvre nantaise

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Atlantic/Arctic coast
Website link