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Maritime Forum

Development of the Thematic Plan of the Kurzeme Coast

Short description of the action

Coastal management involves a multitude of stakeholders from various institutions and levels, resulting in a complex and time-consuming planning process. Achieving a harmonious balance between land and sea further complicates the task. Meeting the objectives calls for a planning approach that considers the interests of all groups involved, utilizing both human and natural resources in a sustainable and balanced manner. Within the Baltic Sea2Land project, Latvian pilot cases—both at the national and regional levels—focus on the planning and management of the coast. The primary goal of these pilots is to enhance the current methods of Latvian coastal spatial planning and governance. This involves promoting integrated planning for coastal territories, facilitating local economic development, supporting diverse businesses, and establishing a service infrastructure network that aligns with the preservation of the fragile coastal ecosystem.

(1) National pilot case, led by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia will evaluate the National Coastal plan. Similar to the other pilots within the project, Latvia’s national pilot aims to test the Sea2Land Navigator tool that is being developed by the project and is designed to assist planners and decision-makers in fostering a sustainable blue economy in the Baltic Sea Region by facilitating viable coastal development and the sustainable utilization of natural and human capital.

(2) Regional pilot case, led by the Kurzeme Planning Region, focuses on the development of a Coastal Thematic Plan for the Kurzeme region. Recognized as a valuable and resource-rich area, the coastal region plays a vital role in fostering diverse and integrated development within the region. However, it is also becoming a space where conflicts emerge due to the diverse and sometimes conflicting interests of stakeholders. Many of these issues extend beyond the scope of individual municipalities and industries, therefore complex and comprehensive solutions are needed. Within the framework of developing the Kurzeme Region Coastal Thematic Plan, an extensive study of the area will be conducted. The main aim of the study is to obtain essential information that is needed in order to sustainably manage and develop the Kurzeme coast and to ensure integrated multi-level coastal planning on a regional level. With the help of data and information provided by the Sea2Land Navigator tool, the regional pilot will delve into various issues such as resource availability, potential, and capacity. It will also analyse current development processes and other key aspects vital for ensuring a sustainable future for the Kurzeme coast.

All this work is hoped to navigate the Latvian coastal governance apparatus for future development of thoughtfully designed planning documents which brings together land-sea interactions of the Latvian sea coast both from maritime and coastal perspective, but also positioning itself within the whole Baltic Sea Region planning space.

Name of organisation
Kurzeme planning region
Type of organisation
Regional authority
Type of action proposed
Evidence-based knowledge and data and/or access provision to knowledge and data, in line with FAIR principles for the Mission Ocean and Waters Knowledge System
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

(1) Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia (Latvia); (2) Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia (Latvia); (3) Association “Klaipeda Region” (Lithuania); (4) Tallinn University (Estonia); (5) Saaremaa Municipality (Estonia); (6) Regional Council of Southwest Finland (Finland); (7) Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland); (8) The Association of Sea Cities and Municipalities (Poland); (10) Baltic Environmental Forum Germany (Germany); (11) City of Fehmarn (Germany); (12) Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission – HELCOM (Finland); (13) State Regional Development Agency (VASAB) (Latvia)

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Baltic/North Sea
Website link