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Maritime Forum

iCULTURE - A digital bio-platform and microbial bioprocess.

Short description of the action

Over 100 Megatons of seaweed constitute Europe's largest biomass, but less than 0.25% is utilized. Marine industry stakeholders are currently left with 50-70% of residual side-streams sold as low-cost fertilizers. Existing data on more than 10.000 macroalgae species could help this industry to improve their processes but the data is too large and manual curation is not feasible. Despite the progression of artificial intelligence (A.I.) and digital instruments, these techniques have barely entered the biobased sector. iCULTURE is a cross-disciplinary consortium where European expertise on ICT, bioinformatic, biodiversity, biotechnology, synthetic biology and bioprocessing is combined to develop a set of digital toolboxes that can prospect for new species of seaweed, utilize these in microbial fermentation, and understand how to use it responsibly and sustainably. Over 80 TB of existing seaweed data and 700.000 genes will be mined by machine learning algorithms in an A.I. toolbox to identify macroalgae characteristics: growth, response to environmental conditions, chemical composition and more. These will be used by a predictive Model toolbox, with models for compositional changes, recovery, resilience, and dispersion, to deliver key features that are important for responsible resource management. A Bioprocess technology toolbox will use this information for a machine learning controlled microbial culture, that will convert complex sugar mixtures to catalysts producing high-value antimicrobials. The multiple benefits of this digital platform are 1) boost the prospecting efficiency of new species by using powerful A.I. algorithms 2) help to understand the potential and vulnerability of resources, so that a responsible management strategy can guide the operations of stakeholders, and 3) create a novel value-chain, valorizing European seaweed side-streams into valuable antimicrobials for feed, food and pharma, while reducing CO2 footprint more than 20%.

Name of organisation
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Type of organisation
Research and academia
Type of action proposed
Research and innovation
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
List of Partners

Ghent University, CCMAR, University Uulm, CIIMAR, University Bielefeld, Alginor, Polar Algae, Intellomics, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Technical University Crete, Algaia, Getinge, Iberagar, FVA New Media Research, BASF, onCyt

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Website link