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Maritime Forum

Faisons des MERveilles, pour une mer sans déchet / Create ocean marvels, for a sea without waste

Short description of the action

Faced with the alarming fact that the Mediterranean and its coastline are becoming plasticised, the Region and the Parlement de la Mer have been running the regional campaign "Faisons des MERveilles, pour une mer sans déchet" since 2019. This regional initiative has two complementary strands, both preventive (acting on the cause by changing habits and using less plastic) and curative (acting on the consequence by collecting the waste that reaches the sea):

- Raising awareness on a regional scale to get everyone involved in tackling this pollution: creating awareness-raising tools to highlight the fact that everyone, at their own level, can do wonders by changing their everyday habits.

- Providing material support for local initiatives to collect coastal and marine litter: distributing collection kits and providing a maritime diary to publicise citizens' initiatives; distributing the game "Faisons des MERveilles, pour les tortues marines".

It's an engaging, collaborative awareness-raising campaign offering simple, practical steps that everyone can take to make a difference:

- to raise public awareness of the issues involved in preserving the Mediterranean and combating the dumping of waste in the environment,

- proposing alternative consumption methods to reduce the amount of plastic used on a daily basis,

- encouraging litter-picking initiatives on beaches and throughout the Occitanie region.

All the actions proposed as part of the "Faisons des MERveilles" initiative are in line with the operational objectives of the Document Stratégique de Façade Méditerranée to reduce waste from land-based sources at sea and to reduce waste from maritime activities at sea.

These actions are also part of the "Plan Plastique Occitanie, zéro déchet ultime plastique en 2030" voted by the Occitanie Regional Council on 17 December 2020.

Name of organisation
Parlement de la Mer Occitanie
Type of organisation
Other type of organisation
a community of practice for all those involved in the sea in Occitania
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Public mobilisation and engagement
Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link