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Maritime Forum


Short description of the action

The goal of our team is the enviromental protection of the sea - marine life and the dams with daily patrols by boats and cars. More over we are going to inform the fishermen at the sea and dams about the correct sizes where fish can be caught. In addition we will inform them about the safe release of the fish when they are below legal limit. Furthermore, various environmental days will be held with the ultimate aim of informing about a more sustainalbe and plastic free and ecologically friendly society towards the biodiversity our country. Moreover, there will be days where we will inform the public about marine life, the alien species that affect the marine life of our country (such as lion fish..) and the protected species of our region. There will also be a weekly surveillance of the beaches and the dams all around Cyprus with the ultimate gaol of locating garbage and removing them from the environment. In addition, we will locate sea turtule nests, surveillance seals, dolphins and even sharks and report to the relevant authorities (Fishery depertment and Environment). At the same time, various actions will take place regarding biodiversity of our country with the ultimate goal of raising awareness and active participation of the local community. We will organise public clen up events that emphasize the importance of preserving marine life and the environment. (CLEAN WATER, CLEAN BEACHES CLEAN DAMS). We will also create a QR CODE contet at the ports and dams and the marine protected areas where every person can scan it and be informed about the marine life of the area and the dams. More over, we will create an application where someone can report his location at the sea or on land and inform where there are oil spills, polution, garbage or ghost nets so that the public, relevant authorities and our team will be informed in order to proceed with the immediate removal before there is an impact on marine life. At the same time, seminars and workshops on enviromental issues and marile life protection will be held, at companies, schools and universities in order to promote environmentla education and preserve biodiversity. In addition, an effort will be made to promote sustainable tourism, offering new employment opportunities to young people interested in nature tours through sports (swimming, canoeing, cycling running, scuba diving, hiking, camping) which will improve theri physical and mental health and stregthening their contact with the natural environment. Also, events will be organized such as fishing competition in the sea and on the dams with the ultimate aim of informing the interested parties on spot about biodiverstiy and at the same time other activities will take place such as canoeing at the sea and dams, mountain bikes and trail runs at protected areas with the ultimate aim to promote enviromental awareness and harmonization of mental health in nature combined with sport, where opportunities will be provided for all age groups to come in contact with the environment in an active, fun and educational way. At the same time, the conservation of marine resources for the benefit of the nature and its inhabitants is of major importance. Also marine protected areas, rare species, sensitive ecosystems (turtles, dolphins, seals) that need immediate attention and protection for the purpose of economic development without draining marine reserves.

Name of organisation
Type of organisation
Non-governmental organisation
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea