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Maritime Forum


Short description of the action

The ECA4MED KNOWLEDGE CENTRE was conceived to support capacity building in the Mediterranean countries to implement, govern, finance, and enforce the MEDECA. The support covers legal, technical, and financial aspects and is provided through documents, seminars, courses, interviews, information on projects, initiatives, policies, regulations, funding agencies.

The ECA4MED Knowledge centre is the legacy of the EU Preparatory Project LIFE4MEDECA, and it will be further improved thanks to the recently approved Project LIFE4MECA - Supporting Maritime Emission Control Areas, both coordinated by the Port Network Authority.

LIFE4MECA aims to support for the preparation of the implementation of Emission Control Areas for sulphur oxides (SECA) in the Mediterranean Sea and the upcoming Atlantic SECA as well as for nitrogen oxides (NECA).

It is noted that this fits with zero pollution and decarbonisation aims, under the EU mobility strategy adopted under the EGD (European Green Deal) ambitions and is also relevant to the EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters

Among its specific project objectives, the most relevant for the Mission are:

OBJ01 - Supporting ratification of MARPOL Annex VI among North African Countries and investigate how the issue of ECA substandard ships from non-EU countries can be addressed, e.g. by having fewer inspections when calling in EU ports.

OBJ02 - Provide technical support to the development of Atlantic-SECA scenarios and exchange best practice for the Atlantic ECA also in coordination with UNEP MAP (REMPEC) and IMO.

OBJ03 - Provide expertise to the MED ECA Countries.

OBJ04 - Map and facilitate access to existing financial incentive mechanisms also through coordination for cooperation and enforcement, including Ministries of Environment, Ministries of Transport, other authorities responsible for maritime shipping and other relevant authorities.

OBJ05 - Build upon results of LIFE4MEDECA (ending in 2023), SAFEMED V and WESTMED Initiative to create synergies/complementarity. Use the experience in the development of the existing ECAs to support the Atlantic ECA.

OBJ06 - Set up structures for supporting legislative governance, transfer of best practice and/or dialogue with industry (vessel owners and operators, ports).

The Port Network Authority also devoted additional financial resources from its own balance to the implementation of the ECA4MED Knowledge Centre, to leverage the results of this action (140K€).

The Knowledge Centre is a hub for the consolidation of knowledge and information relating to the establishment of an ECA area, acting as a catalyst for experimentation processes, a pillar of collective learning based on experiments and a tool for participation in implementation of legislation at local level.

These objectives will be achieved through the implementation of adequate analysis tools and innovative solutions, such as: 1) evaluating the stakeholders involved, through the implementation of a database and an analysis aimed at classifying the types of mutual relationships (taxonomy); 2) implementing an interactive

calculator to support investment decisions, by verifying the adequacy of the solutions to be implemented in

relation to the ECA; 3) developing an intelligent search tool for relevant and constantly updated content in relation to the ECA, based on the use of key terms (Theca); 4) developing a Handbook and Decision Support System to define which infrastructural investment are needed.

Name of organisation
North Tyrrhenian Port Network Authority
Other type of organisation
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

SDG4MED - Sustainable Development Goal for Mediterranean

CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE - Istituto di Ingegneria del Mare

Press-Kristensen APS - Green Global Future

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link
Other country