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Maritime Forum

Oceanographic monitoring and research within Maltese waters

Short description of the action

The Oceanography Malta Research Group (OMRG) undertakes oceanographic research, in a holistic perspective, including operational observations and forecasts, specialised data management analysis and participation in international cooperative ventures. The overarching research themes cover coastal meteorology, hydrography and physical oceanography with a main emphasis on the experimental study of the hydrodynamics of the sea in the vicinity of the Maltese Islands. OMRG's main endeavour is to promote activities in operational oceanography by the installation and maintenance of permanent sea monitoring systems and the provision of meteo/marine forecasts.

OMRG is the national oceanographic data centre for EMODnet, as well as a member of SeaDataNet AISBL. As an ambassador of EMODnet Data Ingestion, the group encourages local data providers to add their data to the European operational oceanography data exchange to feed forecasting models and support various operations. Through this activity, OMRG provides support to local entities involved in marine research and monitoring, to collect and maintain oceanographic data according to international standards.

Name of organisation
Oceanography Malta Research Group, Department of Geosciences, University of Malta
Other type of organisation
Research and academia
Type of action proposed
Evidence-based knowledge and data and/or access provision to knowledge and data, in line with FAIR principles for the Mission Ocean and Waters Knowledge System
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Ocean and waters knowledge system
List of Partners

EMODnet, IOI, University of Palermo, CIESM, ARPA Sicilia, Nature Trust Malta, Żibel, ERA, Ambjent Malta

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link