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Maritime Forum

Canary Marine Litter Observatory

Short description of the action

The Canary Islands Marine Debris Observatory represents a continuous effort to generate scientific knowledge in collaboration with key stakeholders. The initiative aims to address the issue of marine debris and catalyze governance changes through verifiable scientific data.

Its purpose is to identify the sources of marine debris in the Canary Islands and develop nature-based and socially cooperative strategic solutions. This approach is structured in three blocks:

Scientific Diagnosis:
Collaborating with professional fishing sector, diving and recreational fishing clubs, and the two Canary Islands universities, the database of marine debris will be expanded. This involves identifying floating debris through passive fishing and creating backtracking maps with physical models. This approach not only contributes to waste reduction but also validates physical models and generates real maps of debris behavior in the ocean. Additionally, the chemical footprint of pellets will be analyzed, comparing them with those in the Mediterranean through the MEDPELLETS project to detect possible flows to the islands.

Technological and social innovations will be developed, including the revaluation of marine debris, including seaweed strandings, through the blue and circular economy with a focus on social innovation. Observation tools, such as a simple mobile application linked to oceanographic parameters, will be created, and a prototype for collecting microplastics attached to fishing boats will be validated to assess ecosystem health.

Awareness and Training:
The issue and solutions will be disseminated, highlighting the importance of individual participation in the management of marine debris.

The Observatory promotes collaboration between universities, public administration, and professionals in the fishing sector, addressing environmental challenges for the sustainability of the Canary Islands' coastline with a circular approach. From the initial research of the problem to the implementation of solutions, the project seeks sustainability and the blue and circular economy, supported at all times by education through awareness.

Name of organisation
Canary Marine Litter Observatory
Type of organisation
City or local authority
Type of action proposed
Research and innovation
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Atlantic/Arctic coast