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Maritime Forum

Evéa Piedagnel

Climate change
Deep-sea mining
Marine conservation
Marine education
Ocean Governance
Renewable energy at sea
Science communication
Topics - other
ocean circulation

I have been in charge of the 4Sea project for one year and a half, I had to help organize events like the Odyssey's Ocean Day. I have also researched creating and publishing infographics on the oceans and I have communicated on essential ocean issues on 4Sea social media.
My IPCC internship allowed me to improve my knowledge about climate and oceans as well as to be able to communicate on diverse scientific subjects.
And, my internship with Dr. Jean-Baptiste Sallée and my engineering school has helped me to improve my research skills on the oceans.

I am a student in an engineering school in geophysics and I would like to do a Ph.D. in physical oceanography. Mainly, I would like to study the southern ocean and try to understand the ocean circulation in this region and the impact of climate change on it.
I did two internships linked with the ocean. The first one was with the Technical Support Unit of Working Group I of the IPCC, where I contributed to the preparation of outreach resources to release their input to the Sixth IPCC Report. The second one was with Dr. Jean-Baptiste Sallée, where I studied the 2021 Weddell Sea Polynya in Antarctica.
In addition, I am holding the position of the volunteer project manager of the
4Sea project within the NGO CliMates. This project aims to inform and raise awareness in public about the oceans and the impact of climate change on them.