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Maritime Forum

Into the Teno-rasca: education and information

Stage of project
Stage 1: Concept
Sea basin regions
Atlantic Ocean (including North Sea)
Climate and the ocean
Community engagement - work with local communities to solve local marine and social challenges and with high social acceptance potential
Ocean conservation

After I conducted the research for my film "Guanches of the Sea: The pilot whales of Tenerife" i was left with the idea to do more. As my documentary showcases there is a dramatic lack of education to tourists who enter the marine protected area. I want to start an educational campaign ensuring people going out at sea are aware of the importance of the area, resident species and codes of conduct, to give them the benefit of the doubt that if they know better, they'll do better.
I would like this project to include the 4 ports inside the Teno-Rasca strip in Tenerife, Canary Islands, with hopefully every enterprise, local business and so on including mandatory material that they are required to give to tourists with their tickets (from whale watching ticket to sailing boat rental)