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Maritime Forum

SEA-EU 2.0 (Project 101089757 EACEA)

Short description of the action

SEA-EU 2.0 is a geographically-balanced enlarged university alliance with a coastal and marine-maritime character as its hallmark. The distributed inter-partner open governance will consolidate transformative structures and dynamics that reinforce complementarities, multiculturalism and multilingualism in its nine nodes.
We are 9 Universities facing similar conditions and challenges:
- We are coastal universities, serving communities and economies that have looked to the sea for food, trade, and tourism; and that continue to look to the sea to pursue a "blue sustainable development". All these 9 universities are located in port cities, embedded in the distinctiveness of maritime societies, with rich histories of maritime conflict, trade and exploration.
- We are peripheral universities, both on Europe's coastal periphery and at the national level, especially regarding the major decision-making centres (except in the case of Malta, a small state). We are far from the economic hinterland or the capitals of our countries.
- We are universities that are strongly connected with the needs and concerns of our territories, with their challenges and their opportunities. As a result, we are medium-sized universities, with a generalist vocation in terms of the degrees we offer and the groups we address, with a clear competitive advantage in our knowledge of the marine-maritime world from an inter and multidisciplinary approach.
The integration of the social, green and digital transitions equips SEA-EU to spark the new generation of European HE Campus life into advanced forms of blended interactions, mobilities and international collaborations. In alignment with an encompassing set of multi-level policy targets (6 Commission priorities for 2019-24, UN SDGs…), SEA-EU 2.0 long-term vision reflects and reinforces the core European values based on people-driven, planet friendly, and science- based progress.
Digital and green education are two key aspects of our proposal, which will be developed in several tasks of the work plan. This includes the digitization plan we have in place at SEA-EU including the improvement of connectivity and digital equipment already initiated in the first phase of the project, as well as improving the digital skills of SEA-EU lecturers and students, creating new digital ways of collaboration across the alliance that can help the partner universities to adapt and shape higher education in an increasingly digital world. Our green commitment is very clearly stated with a firm intent for the transformation of the SEA-EU universities towards sustainable development.
SEA-EU 2.0 intends to promote the European University of the Seas as a global knowledge hub in marine-related disciplines, and in doing so it is leading the design, accreditation and launch of several joint degree programs: a Bachelor in Sustainable Blue Economy (coordinated by the University of Cadiz), a Master’s in Sustainable Management of Organisations (coordinated by the University of Western Brittany), a Master’s in Port Management and Logistics (coordinated by the University of Cadiz), a PhD Program in Marine and Maritime Science and Technology (coordinated by the University of Split).

Name of organisation
European University of the Seas (SEA-EU)
Type of organisation
Research and academia
Type of action proposed
Education and training
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

University of Cádiz (Spain), University of Western Brittany (Brest, France), Christian Albrecht University (Kiel, Germany), University of Gdansk (Poland), University of Split (Croatia), University of Malta, University Parthenope-Naples (Italy), University of Algarve (Portugal), Nord University (Norway)

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Website link
Other country
European Union