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Maritime Forum

Blue Impact Ports Accelerator Network

Short description of the action

The Blue Impact Ports Accelerator Network will capitalise the results achieved by the Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network (Aspban), financed by the EMFF. The project will build a small-medium size ports network covering all EU Sea Basins, EEA Norway and Iceland, Extra-EU Canada, Israel and Tunisia, that will work as a coordinated open innovation platform for upscaling, deployment and replication of digital and green solutions that transform ports into blue economy hubs: by capacitating ports to host new blue businesses in blue emerging sectors; by capacitating ports to innovate their operations by incrreasing operational efficiency and positive environmental impact; achieving these goals by replicating and upscaling early stage and growth tech solutions, in order to build an investable pipeline of projects by the private sector (investment funds and banks). The project will consist in the following phases: Phase 1 - consolidate the ports network for replicating and upscaling the 28 startups pilots identified in Aspban; associate a private investor(s) pledge(s) to each pilot; Phase 2 - implement the pilots in ports; Phase 3 - evaluate impact of pilots implementation and materialize private investors pledges in startups. The Blue Impact Ports Accelerator Network is mainly composed by blue clusters, in order to guarantee a quadruple helix ecosystem approach in the project. It also involves CPMR for mobilizing regions and AIVP mobilizes ports communities.

Name of organisation
Forum Oceano
Type of organisation
Trade, business or professional association
Type of action proposed
Upscaling, deployment and replication of solutions
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
List of Partners

Cluster Marítimo de Baleares - Spain
Cluster Marítimo Andalusia - Spain
Institute for Maritime Development (IMDO) - Ireland
Pole Mer Mediterranée - France
Pole Mer Bretagne Atlantique - France
Federazione del Mare - Italy
Blue Italy Growth Cluster (BIG) - Italy
Strategis Maritime Cluster - Greece
Black Sea Accelerator - Turkey
The Dock - Israel
Tunisian Maritime Cluster - Tunisia
Blauwe Cluster - Belgium
Platform Zero - Netherlands
GCE Ocean Tech Cluster - Norway
Iceland Ocean Cluster - Iceland
Ocean Super Cluster - Canada
Conference of Peripherical Maritime Regions (CPMR) - (FR)
AIVP - Inspiring People of Port Cities (FR)
Ocean Born Foundation - Spain
Beta-i - Portugal

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage