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Maritime Forum

NeringaFM regatta

Short description of the action

Neringa is a town composed of 4 local villages (Nida, Pervalka, Juodkrante and Preila) settled in the so-called island in the Curonian spit in Lithuanias, which seperrates Baltic sea from the Curonian lagoon. It is a preserved area with the largest National park with by the coast of Baltic sea. The NeringFM regatta brings public engagement in promoting sustainable leisure opportunities in the region - boat sailing that has low impact on the ocean and waters as well as raises public awareness about the pollution and other human activities that contribute to the worsening condition of climate and coastal waters. The regatta aims at promoting cooperation of Baltic sea countries that engage in this kind of sustainable sporting activities. The regatta administration also works closely with sailing children and youth to promote sustainable sports in the region and address the importance of ocean and water as well as climate issues for the young generations

Name of organisation
Type of organisation
Non-governmental organisation
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

NBK Vėtrungis

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Baltic/North Sea