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Maritime Forum

Blue Awareness

Short description of the action

The following actions will contribute to the Mission's objectives:

- The Forum Mondial de la Mer Bizerte and " “The Bizerte Declaration”:
In 2022, during the 5th edition of the Forum, we created OCEAN 2050, the first forward-looking think-tank on maritime issues. “The Bizerte Declaration” drafted on this occasion by a group of the most renowned international experts launched the work of a roadmap that will be an important element of the United Nations Ocean Conference ( Nice, June 2025). It refers to the Mission ocean & Waters.
It is therefore the entire international community that will be able, thanks to the production of these works and indicators, to benefit from this reflection born in the south of the Mediterranean and widely educated by the best Tunisian scientists and economists. T

Using the image of the starfish, based on the five main themes set out by the European Union under “Mission Starfish 2030: Restore our Ocean and Waters”, the work of OCEAN 2050 will be organized around these five branches that will contribute to the Mission :
Governance, Peace, Justice and Security
Science, Innovation and Shared knowledge
Protection, Regeneration and Adaptation
Fighting against all forms of Pollution
Sustainable Blue Economy and Finance

Blue Awareness action :
- The Newsletter:
+ 300 000 Subscribers
Frequency: weekly
Goals: to inform subscribers about the actions carried out by La Saison Bleue,
News regarding Tunisia, the Mediterranean, the oceans and the Blue Economy in the Med basin,
Agenda: the schedule of national and international events,
Culture: books and movies to discover

- The Blue Club:
Is the 1st Think Tank dedicated to global maritime issues:
Organizing regular webinars on maritime issues via an immersive virtual platform accessible on an international scale,
Facilitating the sharing of experience
Contributing to the provision of tools to assess the health of ecosystems, their socio-economic impacts and coastal governance processes.
Frequency: 5 webinars per year

- The Awareness campaigns:
We are going to meet schoolchildren, high school and university students in order to raise their awareness of the fight against maritime pollution and the preservation of our common property of humanity, the Ocean.
We also conduct awareness campaigns for the general public.
+ 1 500 school children reached
+ 50 Schools
+ 1 000 000 people reached
+ 50 cities covered Courses in schools, Booklet, social media, Media, Website,
- Educational awareness booklet,
- Awareness courses for schools, university
- Awareness campaign via radio, social media, Website etc…

- LSB School, The Platform Per learning:
In September, we will launch a platform of courses in the field of maritime engineering and sustainable development with the desire to offer advanced training, accessible to all, for future engineers.
Our pedagogy, based on practice, in project mode, allows each student to be ready to dispense the knowledge acquired.

- Blue Awareness " Educational Marine Areas":
In September 2023, we are launching the program of The Educational Marine Areas:
Public: primary school students
Objectives :
- Train the youngest to eco-citizenship and sustainable development,
- Reconnect students to nature and their territory,
- Encourage dialogue between students, marine actors (users, economic actors), and managers of natural areas...

Name of organisation
La Saison Bleue
Type of organisation
Non-governmental organisation
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link