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Maritime Forum

Blue Up 2024!

Short description of the action

Blue Up 2024 is a European campaign which aims at offering EU citizens and civil society organisations who care and act for the Ocean the possibility to express their views on Ocean protection before we will reach out to political parties and candidates running for the 2024 EU elections. We want to put ocean protection at the centre of the European agenda ahead of the next 2024 EU elections and during the next 2024-2029 mandate. The campaign started with a large EU consultation called 'It's Bluedy Time, Europe" that ran from December 2022 to February 2023. Close to 400 contributions were collected and organised under 10 top overarching demands. They also helped build a Manifesto for the EU elections. On 8 June 2023, on World Ocean Day and 1 year ahead of the EU elections, these ideas and demands will be handed to the European Parliament and representatives of the European political parties in Brussels. Meetings with parties will follow to make our ideas heard and taken on board by candidates until elections are convened in May 2024. The campaign will continue until the end of the first 100 days of the Commission to make sure action is taken on Ocean protection.

Name of organisation
Blue Up 2024! coalition
Type of organisation
Non-governmental organisation
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

Surfrider Foundation Europe, Seas at Risk, Ocean and Climate Platform, City to Sea, Gallifrey Foundation, Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz, Seal Rescue Ireland, Acteon, Youth and Environment Europe, Eurocean's Youth, Break free from Plastic, Blutopia, Asociación Vertidos Zero, Kelonia, AEBAM, Global Youth Biodiversity Network Chapter Europe, Wings of the Ocean, Chelonia,Earthforce Fight Squad, Geota, Corrente d'Atlas, Asociación Ambiente Europeo, Associação para a Investigação do Meio Marinho, MATER

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Website link
Other country
European Union