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Maritime Forum

Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment

Short description of the action

The Joint Action Underwater Noise in the Marine Environment was adopted by JPI Oceans in May 2020 with the purpose of promoting a pan-European, cross-disciplinary partnership, for the integration of different sectors of the scientific research community.

After identifying priorities, research gaps and needs on the state of impacts, technology, sound propagation, and measurements, a joint call for proposals was launched in December 2021.

Five projects were selected for funding revolving around two themes:
• The effects of anthropogenic noise pollution on marine ecosystems
• Innovative seismic sources as an option for quieter and effective alternatives to conventional marine geophysical exploration

The selected projects are:

• ORCHESTRA | ecOsystem Responses to Constant offsHorE Sound specTRA | Coordinator: Maarten Boersma, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Germany).

• DeuteroNoise| Characterization of maritime noise in different European basins and its impact on ecological relevant deuterostome invertebrates | Coordinator: Lucia Manni, University of Padua (Italy).

• DIAPHONIA | DIagnostic framework to Assess and Predict tHe impact Of underwater NoIse on mArine species | Coordinator: Sandro Mazzariol, University of Padua (Italy).

• SONORA | Filling the gap: Thresholds assessment and impact beyond acoustic pressure level linked to emerging blue-growth activities | Coordinator: Jaime Ramis Soriano, Universidad de Alicante (Spain).

• PURE WIND | Impact of sound on marine ecosystems from offshore wind energy generation | Coordinator: Ana Širović, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, (Norway).

Name of organisation
JPI Oceans
Type of organisation
International/EU organisation
Type of action proposed
Research and innovation
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Ocean and waters knowledge system
List of Partners

Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS)
Marine Institute, Ireland
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MUR)
The Research Council of Norway
Polish National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR)
Executive Unit for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, Romania (UEFISCDI)
Spanish State Research Agency (AEI)

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Website link