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Maritime Forum

Lampedusa&Linosa - Nature based solutions for resilient seas

Short description of the action

The proposed actions, in alignment with the objectives of the "Restore our ocean and waters" mission, focus on the sustainable development of maritime activities in the waters of the Lampedusa & Linosa Islands. Specifically: i) Cleaning of seabeds by removing ropes, ghost nets, cables, wrecks, concrete blocks in the waters of the ports of Lampedusa and Linosa, ii) The preservation of biodiversity through the implementation of solutions based on nature; iii) Sustainable Fishing Practices in the Mediterranean straits with the development of sustainable fishing and ecofriendly fishing-tourism practices and responsible fishing gear management, including the development of port infrastructure aimed at minimizing the impact of fishing on the local marine environment and biodiversity; iv) development of infrastructures for generating sustainable energy from wind and waves v)Connections with electric boats to and from both islands to be used also for excursions in the protected marine area accompanied by experienced personnel.
The Islands of Lampedusa and Linosa are members of the Pelagie Islands archipelago. This archipelago boasts a remarkable variability and heterogeneity of marine and coastal environments, owing to the presence of both limestone and volcanic substrates. The two primary islands have distinct geomorphological characteristics, with Lampedusa characterized by a limestone platform environment and Linosa as a volcanic island. These geological formations result in the development of different habitats and coastlines, with underwater profiles that are rich in flora and fauna, within a close proximity.
The Pelagie Islands archipelago is considered a crucial hotspot for marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea. Its strategic geographical location also serves as a key node for migratory patterns of marine mammals, sea turtles (which regularly nest on Lampedusa Island), sharks, jellyfish, etc. In recent years, the archipelago has seen a growth in ecofriendly tourism, as more and more people seek to experience the unique natural environment of the Pelagie Islands.
The marine habitat has, over time, sought a balance with the development of human activities. The Islands of Lampedusa and Linosa, located in the center of the Strait of Sicily, have long served as a sanctuary for fishing fleets operating in the Mediterranean Sea, which has resulted in impacts to seabeds and marine habitats. Hoewever, more recently, Lampedusa has also become a place where the desperate cries of those fleeing conflict and poverty echo in the waves. Families risk their lives on treacherous journeys, only to meet their end in the very waters that were meant to provide them with a better future. This is a humanitarian disaster of immense proportions, and it demands a passionate response from all of us to find a solution that prioritizes human dignity and protects the rights of all people, regardless of their background or circumstances. The tragedy of migration and the increasing number of refugee boats attempting the dangerous crossing to Lampedusa have left a devastating impact on the marine environment. The waters around the island are cluttered with the remnants of sunken ships, which pose not only a hazard to navigation, but also threaten the delicate marine habitat and its inhabitants.

Name of organisation
Comune di Lampedusa e Linosa
Type of organisation
City or local authority
Type of action proposed
Upscaling, deployment and replication of solutions
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link