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Maritime Forum

Comités France Maritime et Océans

Short description of the action

The General Secretariat for the Sea (SGMer) by Prime Minister decision, is in charge to lead and coordinate
the development of the Government's maritime policy and propose the resulting decisions, ensures the
implementation of the policy.
The SGMer is responsible for preparing and ensuring the implementation of decisions taken by the
Interministerial committees, which meet periodically under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister and in the
presence of all ministries dealing with maritime issues.
The SGMer is also co-chairing 2 committees one with maritime economy sectors and maritime public
stakeholders : Le Comité France Maritime (CFM) and one with the NGOs : Le Comité France Océan.
In that regard, the SGMer will use these 2 committees to mobilise their représentatives to engage in the Mission.

With the Comite France Maritime
Created at the initiative of the President of the Republic, the Comité France maritime (CFM) brings together
the maritime economy sectors and public players The CFM is co-chaired by the Secretary General for the
Sea and the President of the French Maritime Cluster.
1. The objectives
• To remove the obstacles that hinder the development of the maritime economy in a sustainable
• Identify and prioritize the actions to be carried out within the framework of the State's public policies,
with a view to the Interministerial Committee for the Sea (ClMer)
• Accompany and mobilize the different categories of private and public actors
2. The actions, through the realization of workshops on :
• Port infrastructures and activities
• Maritime financing
• Access to space and reconciliation of uses
• Training and attractiveness of the maritime professions
• The energy transition of maritime transport
• The nautical sector and yachting infrastructures
• European and international cooperation
• Cyber security
• The Brexit

With the Comité France Océan
The CFO is the place where exchanges between the State, its public establishments in charge of the sea,
and nearly 50 NGOs protecting the marine environment are ongoing.The CFO represents a real forum for
exchange and production of recommendations that feed into public policies relating to the marine
Under the impetus of the steering committee, the CFO organises workshops on various topics. To feed its
work, the CFO holds hearings with experts and personalities representing the maritime community. In this
spirit, it is conducting joint work with the Comité France Maritime (CFM), which brings together the economic
sectors of the maritime sector, in order to converge on common proposals.
Four priority areas will respond to the objectives of the Mission:
• The protection of marine biodiversity;
• The fight against marine waste;
• The artificialization of seas and coasts;
• The removal of brakes and obstacles to action.
The CFO's work program is regularly updated in order to adapt it to the follow-up of public policies.

Name of organisation
SGMer (Secrétariat Général de la Mer)
Type of organisation
National authority
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

Maritime economy sectors and public players:
• Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables
• AMCF (Agents Maritimes et Consignataires de France)
• Comité des pêches
• Comité national de la conchyliculture
• UPF, Union des Ports de France
• AUTF, Association professionnelle des chargeurs
• UNIM, Union Nationale des Industries de la Manutention dans les ports français
• Armateurs de France
• FFPP, Fédération Française des Ports de Plaisance
• ADF, Assemblée des Départements de France
• Union nationale des industries de carrières et matériaux de construction
• CCIAMP (CCI Aix, Marseille Provence)
• CIPA/SFAM (Comité Interprofessionnel des Produits de l'Aquaculture)
• FIN (Fédération des Industries Nautiques)
• UNPG (Union nationale des producteurs de granulats)
• CNPMEM (Comité national des pêches maritimes et des élevages marins)
• Brittany Ferries
• Pôle Mer Bretagne-Atlantique
• Club croisière Marseille
• Coopération Maritime
• Plate-forme GNL
• TLF (TLF Union des Entreprises Transport et Logistique de France)
• UMPF (Union Maritime Portuaire de France)
• Ponant
• France logistique
• Worms services maritimes
• VNF (Voies navigables de France)
• Soget

• Ministère de la Transition écologique
• Conservatoire du Littoral
• Office français de la biodiversité (OFB)
• Ifremer
• Pôles Mer Bretagne Atlantique et Méditerranée
• Mercator Ocean International

NGOs and Fundations
• Plateforme Océan & climat
• France nature environnement
• Institut océanographique Paul Ricard
• Surfrider
• Expédition MED
• Fondation TARA Océan
• AMORCE (Déchets, Energie et Eaux)
• ASTEE (L’association française des professionnels de l’eau et des déchets)
• SOS mal de Seine
• T2A (Tour des 2 Amériques)
• Ethic Ocean
• Esprit de Veloce
• Expédition 7ème Continent
• Expédition Med
• FRB (Fondation pour la Recherche sur la Biodiversité)
• Green Cross
• GreenPeace
• Humanité et Biodiversité
• Ifaw (International Fund for Animal Welfare)
• LPO (ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux)
• Maison de l'Estuaire
• Marine Stewardship Council
• MerTerre
• Oceana
• Plastic Odissey
• PolarPod
• Respect Ocean
• Robin des Bois
• SeaCleaners
• Union Nationale des CPIE (Centre Permanent d'Initiatives pour l'Environnement)

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Atlantic/Arctic coast
Website link