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Maritime Forum

Artificial habitats with ecological connectivity

Short description of the action

Ecocean implements green catering solutions. The company follows a functionality economy and circular economy model. Ecocean has created a product called Biohut®, which is an artificial habitat that promotes the survival rate of larvae and thus restores the nursery function to areas damaged by man (e.g.: Ports).
The Biohut® artificial habitats have undergone various technical tests before validating the installation methodology (method of fixation, recycled or recyclable materials used, depth of installation sites, logistics and human resources required...). Their ecological efficiency was also studied by Ifremer and the Centre de Recherche des Ecosystèmes Marins of the University of Perpignan. Scientific publications have been published in recent years showing the interest of complex marine developments with our Biohut®.
Within the framework of the project in partnership with the port of Frejus, we have installed 56 artificial nurseries for fish larvae in the port. The project is accompanied by an annual ecological monitoring, the creation of awareness materials for the general public and the animation of educational days for schools. Concerning the ecological results of the Biohut® located in the harbour, a total of 448 juvenile fish of 16 different species were counted on the Biohuts surveyed. On the scale of the port and all the modules, this represents more than 800 young fish protected during the project. Invertebrates are also numerous in the port with 37 species recorded. On average, about 100 individuals and 7 different species per Biohut® have been counted. In addition to the Biohut® installation project in the harbor, we have chosen to develop an innovative and original underwater trail, allowing the visualization of aquatic life installed on artificial structures. Based on the principle that our artificial habitats are very quickly colonized by a diversified life, we seek here to preserve the natural habitat nearby, by diverting the underwater activity on a specially dedicated site. Five modules have an artistic dimension (to remain in the theme of discovery and wonder), but also technically reproducible and obviously effective to accommodate diverse life. This trail is positioned in front of a beach located near the port. The modules are arranged in such a way that they can form an ecological corridor consistent with the environment. This corridor ensures ecological connectivity between habitats, especially with the Biohut® already installed in the harbour. This path is accessible by divers from the beach and allows everyone to observe the marine life present in the modules while being sensitized with the help of playful and explanatory buoys presenting the marine fauna and flora present on the site.

Name of organisation
Type of organisation
Private enterprise
Type of action proposed
Upscaling, deployment and replication of solutions
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

Port Fréjus

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link
Other country
European Union