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Maritime Forum

Cork City - People Embracing Rive Lee to the Atlantic Ocean

Short description of the action

Cork City Council is leading sustainable development in Ireland. We are the only local authority in Ireland with a dedicated Climate Action Committee of Council where elected members set ambitious policies and objectives for the city. This is then implemented by the Climate Action Team which is chaired by the Chief Executive of the City Council. More recently, Cork City Council has been accepted as one of the EU Mission - 100 Carbon Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030. Our Ocean and Waters Charter fits squarely with this mission.

This charter - Cork City - People Embracing the River Lee to the Atlantic Ocean - a 10-point plan:

1. Implementation of the Cork City Green and Blue Infrastructure Study, 2022. This study sets out a clear plan for biodiversity, amenity and coexistence of our residents, biodiversity of our rivers, waterways, and green infrastructure.
2. Citizen Engagement. Cork City Council is keen to enhance awareness of sustainable development, waterways and climate action through meaningful citizen participation. This is one of the key reasons why we are participating in the EU Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission. We are devising a methodology for citizen participation based on international good practice, building on the extraordinary and innovative engagement the City Council has undertaken to date.
3. Citizen Participation: Cork City Council is piloting a number of initiatives to enhance citizen participation in waters and climate. These include the Community Water Citizen Science programme; the Cork City Clean Air Together project - with 1,000 air monitors distributed among citizens. Water pollution initiatives with locally based community groups. Implementation of the Local Authorities Water Communities Programme.
4. Water Framework Directive and Water Basin Management.
5. Transition of Port from City Centre by planning and developing one of Ireland's most ambitious regeneration programmes of 147 hectares adjacent to the city centre, by moving freight activities to a state of the art port at Ringaskiddy, Cork Harbour.. This enables compact growth in Cork City
6. Implementation of the Cork City Heritage and Biodiversity Plan to with particular actions to support biodiversity of the city's waterways.
7. Declaration of the historic Quay Walls as Architectural Conservation Areas within the Cork City Development Plan, 2022 - 2028 preserving key heritage of the City.
8. Implementation of the Lower Lee Flood Protection Scheme, a holistic approach to flood protection in the city.
9. Development of the Lee to See Greenway, where residents and visitors to Cork can enjoy the amenity of the river.
10. EU European Maritime Day: The pinnacle event will be European Maritime Day, 2025. Cork City Council is excited and honoured to host this high-profile event, which in addition to playing our role to raise awareness of the waters and marine assets internationally, will provide an opportunity to significantly raise awareness of the water resource of Cork City, Cork County, Ireland, Europe and Internationally among the residents of Cork.

This 10-point plan is an illustration of our intent to significantly engage with residents of the city to raise awareness of the water and oceans, support achievement of our climate action ambitions, support biodiversity and play a leadership role as the first Atlantic City to participate meaningfully in the Restore the Oceans and Waterways Mission.

Name of organisation
Cork City Council
Type of organisation
City or local authority
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

University College Cork, Environmental Research Institute

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Atlantic/Arctic coast
Website link