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Maritime Forum

Mission Genova – involving citizens

Short description of the action

The Mayor and the Municipal Council of Genova fully share the objectives and approach of the EU Mission Restore our Oceans and Waters. In order to best contribute to it, the city's development plan of the years to come (also known as “Genova Città Faro” – “Genova Lighthouse City Strategy”) was aligned with the Mission implementation plan resulting in a series of project and initiatives and in a Strategic Mission Deployment Agenda called “Mission Genova”.
Mission Genova encompasses several actions as follows:
a) deploy solutions to protect, restore and depollute marine and freshwater ecosystems
b) promote development and sharing of knowledge and good practices on sustainable and carbon-neutral blue economy in accordance with the Action Plan “Genova 2050” and its future updates
c) involve citizens, students and private stakeholders (this action)
d) promote, jointly with the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo, the “Coalition of Mayors for the Mission” aiming at establishing synergies with interested Municipalities with whom acting together leaving “no one behind”.
As mentioned, the present action aims at raising the awareness of institutions, citizens and other stakeholders (enterprises) on the Mission aims and involving them in its initiatives. More specifically:
a) national / regional institutions, with the aim of making them aware of both the needs and the opportunities offered by the Mission and to sensitizing them to the provision of funds to be integrated with those of the Mission
b) citizens and young people, with the aim of both their involvement, in a co-design perspective, and their information on the new jobs that the Mission will help generating
c) local enterprises (at regional and super-regional level) to attract them to be "technological actors" as either “developers/deployers” or "users/beneficiaries" of the solutions provided by the Mission.
From a practical viewpoint, the Mission and its issues will be included/disseminated in all relevant events and/or exhibitions Genoa will organise/promote in the period which will be vectors and amplifiers of the Mission message. This will include, but not be limited to, the OCEAN RACE which Genova is the organising city for 2023 and which will start on 15 January 2023 in Alicante and arrive in Genova on 24 June 2023 after having circumnavigated the whole world; in each city where OCEAN RACE stops, Genova will host a presentation of the Mission building up progressively the “Gran Finale” in Genova where all actors/stakeholders will be convened.
Mission Genova, through SDG4MED which is partner of the MedLight CSA, is and will be aligned with the Mediterranean Lighthouse Project.

Name of organisation
Comune di Genova
Type of organisation
City or local authority
Type of action proposed
Citizen engagement, citizens-science, youth-led initiatives, communities of practice, ocean and water literacy, outreach, awareness raising and participatory approaches
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

The Ocean Race; SDG4MED.

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Website link
South Africa
United States
Other country
Cabo Verde