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Maritime Forum

Blue Print

Short description of the action

Blue Print is a project that has been initiated in 2021 as a pilot project in a specific territory in the region of Brittany (France), Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique, with 24 municipalities. It aims to be adaptable, and is designed to be a management tool for environmental and social transition by using innovative methods such as collective intelligence, impact communication and nudge marketing.

It has the objective to involve all actors on a specific territory in taking actions to preserve the aquatic ecosystems, from watersheds to the Ocean, related to the water cycle as a whole. The ambition is to be an innovative tool for territories to preserve water quality and to restore the ocean from local engagement and mobilization.

Overall, it has three objectives: 1) Knowledge sharing - by filling the gaps on the water cycle and to enhance further actions 2) Raising awareness: by creating innovative tools to prevent further pollution in our waters and Ocean 3) Creating a new governance tool by involving the citizens in the decision-making and enhancing actions around water preservation.

The expected impacts involve better coordination between the different parties as well as impulsing new actions to better protect the water cycle as a whole. In addition to that, people living on a specific territory will have a better knowledge on the water cycle and the ongoing projects.

Name of organisation
Innovations Bleues
Type of organisation
Non-governmental organisation
Type of action proposed
Education and training
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

European Parlement, collectivity of Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique, Département du Mobihan, Agenced e l'eau Loire-Bretagne

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Atlantic/Arctic coast
Website link