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Maritime Forum

REPLANT - Let's give oxygen to our Planet

Short description of the action

The pilot project REPLANT consists in the planting of the Cymodocea nodosa, a marine plant widespread in the Mediterranean Sea, which plays a fundamental ecological role. In fact, together with other phanerogams, it contributes to the mitigation of climate change, it provides grasslands that represent vital habitats for many animal species and that contribute to the maintenance of the biodiversity, and eventually it prevents coastal erosion by mitigating wave motion.

The planting operations of Cymodocea nodosa are comparable to those of reforestation that are carried out on the mainland. 2 sqm of Cymodocea nodosa meadows releases daily roughly the equivalent of the oxygen released by an adult tree. Also, the project respects all of the criteria for sustainability goals: Environmental (for the undoubted benefits on marine ecosystems), Economic (the project favors the already existing monitoring actions on the Marine Protected Area; in the medium and long term, employment growth is expected in the area) and Social (the project has both a strong symbolic and cultural value and is linked to climate justice, offering multidisciplinary work opportunities, training and development of new good practices in line with the protection of the territory. It would also create positive attention around the area, greater involvement of citizens and dialogue among all those involved).

The main objectives are the restoration the Cymodocea nodosa meadows, the prevention of costal erosion, the establishment of habitat and nursery to protect biodiversity, fighting climate change, carrying out scientific dissemination, raising awareness on this subject and the creation of a model that can be replicated in other areas.
Expected results three years after the transplant: based on the results obtained from other projects we can estimate that a new nursery of 100 sqm, can reach a coverage of 60-100% in 3-4 years. Extensive coverage may be present also outside the original transplant areas.
The first trial has started in the Trieste Bay and it consists in 6 different steps, plus the final analysis.

Name of organisation
Marevivo Onlus
Type of organisation
Other type of organisation
Non Profit Organization
Type of action proposed
Research and innovation
The action contributes to the following objective or enabler
Protect and restore marine and freshwater ecosystems and biodiversity
Make the sustainable blue economy carbon-neutral and circular
Ocean and waters knowledge system
Public mobilisation and engagement
List of Partners

University of Trieste

Start date of the action
End date of the action
Budget allocated for the action
Basin coverage
Mediterranean Sea
Website link