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Maritime Forum

Neus Figueras

Writing (fiction, drama, poetry, etc.)
Water quality
Visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, filmmaking, sculpting, etc.)
Tourism & coastal cities
Scuba diving & snorkelling
Science communication
Renewable energy at sea
Ocean Governance
Maritime transport
Marine resources management
Marine Protected Areas
Marine pollution
Marine innovation and R&D
Marine education
Marine conservation
Marine biology & biodiversity
Climate change

Creative writing; Translation; Teaching; Communication; Research; Advocacy.

I’m a marine scientist and a writer.I earned my bachelor honours degree in Marine Science from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, and my master’s degree in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation from an International program organized by Ghent University.I’ve collaborated with the LIFE CUBOMED project addressing the proliferation of box jellyfish in the Mediterranean, worked at the ICM-CSIC managing oceanographic data and doing outreach, embarked on the Research Vessel Hesperides to study marine currents, collaborated with the University of Salento to restore underwater meadows, conducted marine ecology studies in Scotland, and led a project on coral restoration in Myanmar.As a writer, I trained with distinguished teachers and I have been practicing all my life. I write moving stories with doses of humor and action that may touch people’s lives in positive waves, and I have won six local and regional literary contests. My novel “Lorac” joins my artistic self and my scientific knowledge, and has been described as presenting a subject that’s been talked about for a while from a new perspective. It’s a solidarity book, and it’s available in English and Spanish, and being translated into French and Portuguese.I’m passionate about the ocean and I dedicate my time and energy to connect people with it. I live in Spain but I consider myself and everyone else a citizen of the world. When I’m not advocating or in the water, I read, cook vegan meals, ride my bike, try yoga, and above all I keep learning to improve myself and live more in accordance with our planet.