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Maritime Forum

I'm With Lorac

Stage of project
Stage 4: Growth
Sea basin regions
International (other sea-basins / ocean)
Healthy and clean ocean
Climate and the ocean
Topics - other
Indingenous communities, Grassroots movements, Positive change
Arts: work or artistic expression relating to the ocean - visual arts (drawing, painting, photography, filmmaking, sculpting, etc.), literature (fiction, drama, poetry) and performing arts (dance, music, theatre)

Our planet depends on the oceans and we need to protect them to have a healthy home to live in. The general public, however, often needs more than rationality to respond to this call because data, facts and figures are highly informative but lack humanity. Therefore, I relied on the most ancient way of communication to spread and support science, this is, storytelling.Stories are a way to convey information while adding to our personal experiences because they appeal to our empathy and self-reflection to humanize this issue, making us care enough to do something about it.The project “I’m With Lorac” started in 2017 and the first book “Lorac” was published in 2019.“Lorac” connects people with the ocean by bringing a balance between credibility and content that tugs at the heartstrings. Readers engage with the book’s environmental message because they are hooked by the story. It also has an important equity aspect because the book is inclusive and highlights social aspects apart from the environmental ones―both are interrelated.All proceeds go back into helping to spread the message and the ebook version can be downloaded directly with an optional donation.The target audience are teenagers and adults who like fantasy or nature.Apart from creative writing, I carry out other activities to engage with people across varying backgrounds and cultural contexts through social media, speeches, workshops, etc., inspiring them to build a better world.