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Maritime Forum

Christian Esteva

Tourism & coastal cities
Maritime transport
Marine resources management
Marine pollution
Marine education
Marine conservation
Climate change

Project Management – Teaching - Public Speaking – Networking – Research– Creative writing – Creative Graphic Design – Web design – Translations – Languages - Geographic Information Systems – Statistics – Graphic Design – Geomarketing – Social Media – Teamwork – Paper writing – IT – Curriculum & Syllabus development – Innovative teaching methods – Coaching and mentoring skills – Long term vision.

I remember the spot where I was sitting the first time I saw the sea: on a small rock of a cove near my hometown when I was 4 years old. From that moment, I couldn’t stop asking questions to my parents about everything that was going on in the ocean, from different fishes to the variety of colours in the water, or the origin of the waves to that horizontal blue line separating the ocean to the sky called horizon.Those questions evolved in professional interests through the years, so I decided to study Geosciences to not only understand the ocean but also how this affects the environment and vice-versa. As Geography is a wide science, I learned subjects that are quite different to each other but are connected through the ocean, these are Climate change, maritime transport or Tourism Geography. Once I graduated, I decided to share my knowledge with the younger students in the Island of Mallorca by studying my MSc. in Teaching, where I learned and developed innovative methods for delivering a class or presentation. Now, with more than 6 years of experience, I’m working as a Project Manager for EU projects. This job allows me to make big changes for the Ocean through Ocean Literacy initiatives. Through the BlueGeneration project, we are promoting the various jobs the Blue Economy offers amongst the young people in Europe by offering them career pathways. But what is most important is the innovative initiative we have started, “Clean Boating” where for the first time the Boating Community has been involved in the reduction of marine plastic litter.